Friday, 3 February 2017

Gk Goh Forex

In der Regel Länder von der Landwirtschaft auf die Industrie und dann später auf Dienstleistungen, aber Indien verlagert sich direkt an Dienstleistungen. Was sind die Gründe für das riesige Wachstum der Dienstleistungen gegenüber der Industrie im Land kann Indien zu einem entwickelten Land ohne starke industrielle Basis können wir plz diskutieren diese Frage vor kurzem Indien wurde als 2. am schnellsten wachsende Land im Dienstleistungssektor mit einem Ranking Wachstumsrate von 9 und die nächste am nächsten nach Indien war Russland Taktung einer Wachstumsrate von 5. Der Hauptgrund für das Wachstum des Dienstleistungssektors kann auf folgende Faktoren zurückzuführen: 1. riesige Menge an jungen Talenten im Land 2. mehr Gewicht Den Branchen anderer Industriezweige, da sie bessere Karriereperspektiven haben 3. Mangel an Industrien selbst trieb die Menschen in Richtung Dienstleistungssektor zu bewegen. 4. Die Globalisierung öffnete auch die Tür für talentierte Köpfe. Denn ein Land, ein Industrieland zu werden, das eine industrielle Basis hat, spielt eine wichtige Rolle, da es bei der Schaffung von Arbeitsplätzen hilft und somit Armut beseitigt, aber da der Dienstleistungssektor eine höhere Erwerbsrate pro Kopf bietet, floriert dieser Sektor. Auch in dieser globalisierten Welt, in der billige Arbeitskräfte in anderen Ländern zur Verfügung stehen, gibt es also keinen Zwang für die Industrie, sich zu entwickeln. Aber industrielle Entwicklung in Schlüsselsektoren wie Verteidigung und Weltraum hilft einem Land, um weniger zuverlässig auf anderem Land für ihre strategischen Bedürfnisse Es wäre gut, wenn u geben auch Ur Antworten ok vom nächsten Mal werde ich auch meine Antworten. Für jetzt plz schlagen einige beginnen für diese Frage. Für den verarbeitenden Sektor zu entwickeln, eine Menge von qualifizierten Arbeitskräften erforderlich sind, aber in Indien entweder wir haben eine Menge von ungelernten Arbeitnehmern oder talentierte Profis, sind die heutigen Politik nicht geeignet, eine Horde von qualifizierten Arbeitskräften zu entwickeln, aber die Regierung hat eine bestimmte Politik initiiert Zur Verbesserung der Qualifikationsentwicklung, wie z. B. deen dayal upadhaya gramin kaushal kendra, atal Innovation Mission, Änderung in der Lehrlingsausbildung, nationale Jugendpolitik, wenn diese Politiken richtig umgesetzt werden, kann Indien ein Produktionsdrehscheibe aufgrund seiner Wettbewerbsvorteile wie demographische Dividenden, billige Arbeit, Verfügbarkeit zu werden Der Ressourcen und deren Standort. Es gibt starke Krisen von talentierten Fachleuten in Indien. Sein nicht die Beschäftigunggelegenheit mindestens für gut entwickelten talentierten Fachmann. Das grundlegende Problem ist mit unserem Bildungssystem in unserer Hochschule und Universitäten, die nicht die aktualisierte Kenntnisse und Schulungen für unsere Studenten, die sie für die Beschäftigung in der Industrie nicht geeignet, sofern sie nicht ordnungsgemäße Ausbildung nach der Rekrutierung vorgesehen sind. Sorry Sir, Indien ist eine Nabe von qualifizierten Arbeitskräften8230.manufacturing Industrien didn8217t gedeihen durch Bürokratie Bürokratie und Überschuss von Regel und Vorschriften, die aus dem Erwerb von Grundstücken zu bekommen permit8230 gefolgt werden müssen Um seine gewaltige Bevölkerungsdividende zu erwerben, muss Indien sie entwickeln Fertigungssektor. Da in den vergangenen Jahren die Regierung nicht erfolgreich das Problem aus mehreren Gründen. Alles, was getan wurde, um die Herstellung zu erhöhen, war weniger als ausreichend. Auch der Unternehmenssektor war hilflos, da das verarbeitende Gewerbe eine hohe Infrastruktur braucht und kapital - und arbeitsintensiv ist. So entwickelte sich der Dienstleistungssektor in Indien zufällig auf dem privaten Sektor und billiger verfügbarem Fachpersonal. Da der Dienstleistungssektor nicht arbeitsintensiv ist, kann er aus zwei Gründen nicht anerkannt werden. Eines ist es nicht in der Lage, das Problem der Arbeitslosigkeit und der arbeitslosen Jugendbevölkerung zu lösen, kann zu sozialen Unruhen führen, die Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft weiter verschlechtern. Anderer Grund ist, dass unser Dienstleistungssektor sich stark auf die ausländischen Klienten stützt, die zwar Forex anzieht, aber übermäßig abhängig von ihnen ist und der Schwerpunkt sich von Indien zu China verwandelt wegen der Initiativen, die vor kurzem durch chinesische Regierung genommen wurden. Industrialisierung erfordert riesige Menge an infrastrukturellen und monetären Investitionen und hoch technisch ausgestattete proffessionais und Arbeiter, da Indien fehlt entwickelt Infrastruktur, riesige monetäre Investitionen, fdiin Industrie Sektor, sondern haben mehrere Institutionen, um Arbeitskräfte im Dienstleistungssektor zu trainieren, wieder staatliche Unterstützung und riesig Qualifizierte Arbeitskräfte in Dienstleistungen sind Gründe für ein enormes Wachstum der Dienstleistungen .. aufgrund der Überbevölkerung und erhöhte Arbeitslosigkeit Indien hat sich zu einem Lager von qualifizierten Human Resources. Unter Ausnutzung dieser Situation und liberalen Investitionspolitik, die in 90s ausländischen Unternehmen eingeführt wurden direkt gemietet eine große Nr. Der Menschen in Dienstleistungssektoren, sei es Call-Center, Gastfreundschaft, Software-Entwicklung e. t.c, die Indien der verarbeitenden Industrie entzogen und machte es eine billige Arbeits-Hub. Bitte Freunde helfen anderen auch bei der Verbesserung ihrer schriftlichen Fähigkeiten durch wertvolle Vorschläge1) Kritisch kommentieren Delhi Regierung8217s ungerade-even Fahrzeug Rationierung Experiment. Nächste Geschichte 2) Kritisch diskutieren die Rolle der Wirtschaft und Unternehmer bei der Verbesserung der Beziehungen zwischen Indien und anderen Ländern. Vorherige Geschichte Insights Daily Debates, Tag 113: Free Internet to Poor 8211 wird es profitieren Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft Delhi8217s sogar seltsam Fahrzeug Rationierung ist eine neue Idee, könnte aber begrenzt Erfolg als: 1) Implementierung Struktur ist schlecht ausgestattet, um das Schema richtig durchzusetzen 2) Delhi8217s Hauptquelle der Verschmutzung ist PM 2.5, das das Resultat der Emissionen von den Dieselfahrzeugen ist. Selbst ungerade Schema Bars Fahrzeuge unabhängig von ihrer Umweltverschmutzung Profil, Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt wird minimal sein 3) Die Menschen werden mehr Fahrzeuge kaufen, um die Durchsetzung in Ermangelung einer höheren Besteuerung auf Dieselfahrzeugen zu umgehen 4) Unter Berufung auf Zivilschutz und Freiwilligen zu erzwingen wird mehr schaffen Möglichkeiten für rent-seeking Verhalten 5) Experiment ist in Paris gescheitert, wo es ursprünglich konzipiert wurde 6) Die Last des Verkehrs von den Straßen aufgehoben wird in den öffentlichen Verkehr verschoben werden, halten die Menschen in Unannehmlichkeiten 7) Ein schwarzer Markt mit illegalen Nummernschildern könnte Die eine schwierige Bedrohung für die Kontrolle 8) Das System wird Schreie auf Ungleichheit zwischen Menschen, die zwei Fahrzeuge leisten können und diejenigen, die nicht können, zu erhöhen. Es ist gegenüber den Reichen voreingenommen. 9) Öffentliche Verkehrsinfrastruktur in Delhi ist nicht ausreichend, um den schweren Ansturm von zusätzlichen Pendlern zu bewältigen 10) Das Modell ist zu simpel, unpraktisch und unwissenschaftlich, um die wirklichen Probleme von Delhi, die Verkehr und Verschmutzung zu lösen sind (210w) Hi, die Frage war, kritisch zu untersuchen8230and daher sollten Sie auch positive Punkte erwähnen. Schreiben Sie auch eine Schlussfolgerung, um Ihre Standpunkte vorzulegen. Dank für das Feedback shubhangi, es wirklich hilft Als einer der verschmutzten Städte in der Welt, die Delhi High Court kürzlich verglichen die Stadt zu einer Gaskammer. Angesichts dieser Tatsache führte die Regierung in Delhi die Einführung von ungeraden und geradzahligen Autos in abwechselnden Tagen ab dem 1. Januar ein. Die Vorteile dieser Bewegung sind: 1) würde dazu beitragen, die Emissionen von Fahrzeugen zu reduzieren, die eine Hauptverschmutzungsquelle darstellen 2) würde die Stauung auf den Straßen von Delhi reduzieren, was Zeit und Kraftstoffverschwendung verringert. 3) Die Menschen würden gezwungen, öffentliche Verkehrsmittel von umweltschädlichen Transport wie Radfahren zu nehmen. Viele Unternehmen haben ihre Mitarbeiter drängten, um Zyklus zu arbeiten. Allerdings hat die Bewegung viele Einschränkungen, wie: - 1) würde in Proliferation von geschmiedeten Auto-Platten führen. 2) Wer ein anderes Auto leisten kann, würde diese Regel leicht umgehen. 3) Strafen für Verstöße sind nicht eindeutig festgelegt. 4) Nachteilig für benachteiligte Personen, vor allem im Hinblick auf nicht-freundliche öffentliche Verkehrsmittel (Busse haben Treppen und keine Rampe) 5) Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel sind überlastet und erreichen nicht alle Orte. Die Regel, wenn auch ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung, muss ergänzt werden durch andere Maßnahmen wie bessere Stadtplanung, besseres Abfallmanagement, bessere Regulierung des Bausektors, um die umweltschädlichen Industrien konform zu machen und thermische Kraftwerke außerhalb der Stadt zu verlagern. Die Bürger könnten Plantagen und Car-Pooling unternehmen, um die Bemühungen der Regierung zu ergänzen. Nizza Abschluss In Ihren Limitationspunkten wurden Fahrzeuge von körperlich behinderten Menschen von dieser Regel befreit. Dank für das Zeigen dieses heraus. Haben meine Antwort mit exponentiell zunehmender Luftverschmutzung bearbeitet und immer wieder als 8221THE MOST8221 oder eine von 8220THE8221 bezeichnet. Delhi govts jüngsten Aktionsplan zur Eindämmung der Gefährdung der Luftverschmutzung durch die ungerade Anzahl von Fahrzeugen auf den Straßen auf ungerade Tage getäuscht werden und sogar Anzahl Fahrzeuge auf sogar datiert scheint ein richtiger Schritt, um die Nachfrage einer Stunde Adresse sein (Read-Experiment) ist der erste seiner Art im Land, die in großem Maßstab, die ein Potenzial hat, in jeder Weise Swing-Pollution Control: Mit der voraussichtlichen Anzahl von Fahrzeugen, die in die Hälfte wird sofort direkten proportional Echtzeit-Auswirkungen haben Auf die Luftqualität im Kapital, die durch Schadstoffe wie pm10, Pm2.5, No2, So2 etc etc - effiziente Verkehrssteuerung beeinträchtigt wird. Wenn Rationierung gelingt Staus und Hault wird verschwinden, da der Verkehr wird auf die Grenzen der Tragfähigkeit der Straße fallen - Erstellung Generation - mit Rationierung könnte es eine Spitze in app hageln cabauto Dienstleistungen wie ola, uber etc, die mehr Beschäftigung - Verringerung der tödlichen bieten wird Respirotäre Krankheiten: die bei Kindern vorherrschen und auf einer Ebene der Epidemie alt sind. Hohes Maß an Unannehmlichkeiten - auf die Hälfte der Anzahl der Fahrzeuge auf der Straße in einem Augenblick ist zu viel zu erwarten, von einem durchschnittlichen indischen und wird sicherlich Unannehmlichkeiten einladen Mehrere Autos - Menschen mit mehreren Autos oder Reichtum zu leisten, wird aus dem Bereich dieser Experiment Preisanstieg durch Taxifahrer, Autobetreiber usw. wird private öffentliche Verkehrsmittel außerhalb der Reichweite für normale Menschen Ineffecient öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln Delhi Metro und Dtdc Busse sind in keiner Weise ausgestattet und in der Lage, die Bedürfnisse der 8220Half8221 der Pvt-Fahrzeug-Nutzer in Das Capital The Concerned Writer What8217s diese 8216odd-even8217 Regel Diese Regel würde definieren, welches Auto Sie zu einem bestimmten Datum fahren können. An geraden Tagen werden nur Autos mit Kfz-Kennzeichen, die mit einer geraden Zahl enden, auf Stadtstraßen zugelassen, und an ungeraden Fahrten werden Autos mit Kfz-Kennzeichen, die mit einer ungeraden Zahl enden, zugelassen. Wie dieses Experiment hilft: - 1) reduziert die Anzahl der Fahrzeuge auf der Straße daher in gewissem Umfang kann die Verschmutzung zu reduzieren. 2) Es kann Bewusstsein unter den Menschen zu schaffen, dass, wie alarmierend Verschmutzung Zustand geworden ist. 3) Delhi8217s Modell, wenn erfolgreich wird als Benchmark für andere Staaten auch handeln. 4) Förderung der öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel und nicht-motorisierte Wege des Reisens, die die Notwendigkeit der Stunde ist. Warum nicht so effektiv: - 1) Eine lange Liste von Ausnahmen gibt es, die das Motiv hinter dieser Regel verdünnt. 2) Diese Regel wird nur 5-6 von Fahrzeugen in Delhi, so dass die Änderungen werden unbedeutend. 3) Delhi Polizei hat nicht die Art von Arbeitskräften erforderlich, um diese Entscheidung umzusetzen. 4) wenn die Delhi-Regierung erfolgreich implementiert die ungerade-even Formel, die Frage immer noch, wie die Menschen pendeln wird. Häufigkeit des öffentlichen Verkehrs ist gering. 5) Menschen, die reich sind und in einem Zustand, um ein anderes Auto leisten, bevorzugen ungerade oder sogar number. RTO, ist verpflichtet, die Preise für die Gewährung von Gefälligkeiten mit Menschen zahlen größere Schmiergelder zu erhöhen. Es ist nicht zu leugnen, dass es eine sehr gedankenlose Initiative der Delhi Govt ist. Blick auf die Verschmutzungsgrade (vor allem in Delhi), aber die Blaupause mit so vielen Ausnahmen und nicht viele Alternativen von Transport sind den Zweck der es zu besiegen. Gute Antwort. Aber u können die Beispiele von anderen Ländern geben, wo dies implementiert wurde. Gute Mine Menschen verlassen zu Hause früh zu umgehen Verkehr Einschränkung Zeit Second-Hand-Autos gt mehr Umweltverschmutzung mehr Stake Inhaber verlangen bessere öffentliche Verkehrsmittel sehr gute Antwort, meist 3 und 5 Punkte in warum nicht Abschnitt sind sehr beeindruckend. Sehr gute Antwort 8230some Punkte hinzugefügt werden können, wie - unfairly strapaziert emissionsarme Fahrzeuge (zum Beispiel diejenigen, die auf CNG) durch die Behandlung sie auf Augenhöhe mit hoch-emissionsfähigen Fahrzeugen beeinflussen unterschiedlich abgelehnte Personen. Es ist schwierig für sie, die öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel zu benutzen - sie könnten arbeitslose Frauen betreffen, die oft so spät wie die Männer in ihrem Büro arbeiten. Auf dem Weg nach vorn8230 - Entwicklung von autofreien Tagen, Fahrradwege, Förderung der Kabinenfreigabe, Einführung von Plantagenantrieben 8211 öffentliche Kampagnen sind ein Müssen, bevor sie die Leute auffordern, so etwas wie eine seltsame Formel zu akzeptieren - die Verschmutzungsindustrien müssen gefällig oder stillgelegt werden - thermische Kraftwerke müssen von den Bevölkerungsclustern verlagert werden - Alternativen müssen für Indias steigende Abhängigkeit von Lastwagen gefunden werden Frachtbewegung. - Die Bharat Stage-VI Brennstoff Normen sollte in Kraft gesetzt werden - Recently Verbot von Stub Brennen von HC von Delhi ist ein guter Schritt auf CNG-Ampere-Elektrofahrzeug, unterschiedlich abgelehnte Personen, r frei frm ungerade sogar chakaals8230 laufen. Nice explanation8230ur 6. Punkt in, wie Hilfe wird nice8230 Der jüngste Schritt, um die steigende Luftverschmutzung auf einer Probebasis durch die Delhi-Regierung zu bändigen ist ein lobenswert, aber mit einigen Schlupflöcher unter 1 gegeben. Geschlecht Diskriminierung d. e. Frauen Fahrer mit Frauen sind ausgenommen. It8217s nicht so, dass ihre Fahrzeuge don8217t Verschmutzung verursachen 2. VIPs sind auch ausgenommen einige wenige, die ein falsches Signal an einen gemeinen Mann sendet, wie, wie die Gesetzeshersteller Gesetzesverletzer sein können 3. Keine Nachricht gegeben zu den Kraftwerken, die Luftschadstoffe erzeugen 4. Wie man Überprüfen Sie die Fahrzeuge, die von anderen Zuständen, die 8216ll kreuzen Delhi als zahlreichen Fahrzeugen laufen, die noch in Kapital laufen, das in Kapital mit anderen Zuständen registriert ist. 5. Es gibt Familien mit mehr als einem vehicles 6. Sicherheits - und Sicherheitsausgaben werden nicht wegen des Mangels an Manpower 7 gesorgt. Mangel an Empfindlichkeit unter den Bürgern über die negativen Auswirkungen der Luftverschmutzung Aber auf der anderen Seite dieser Schritt kann hilfreich bei 1. Reduzierung der Luft-, Lärm-Verschmutzung 2. Reduzierung Krankenhaus-Ausgaben der Kranke von Luft übertragbare Krankheiten 3. Verbesserung der Gesundheit aller Die ungeraden sogar Kann unter den Bürgerinnen und Bürgern eine umfassende Zusammenarbeit, echte Befreiungen, eine strikte Durchsetzung durch die Behörden, die Bürgerinnen und Bürger an ihre grundlegenden Pflichten erinnern und gleichzeitig die in der Verfassung verankerten Grundrechte genießen. Aber auch diesen Punkt: Verkehr ist nicht nur Faktor, der für Verschmutzung verantwortlich ist. Public Abfall, Industrial Leftovers und vor allem People8217s Verhalten sind auch andere Faktoren, die gleichzeitig zu kümmern. Delhi ist eine der am meisten verschmutzten Stadt der Welt. Die Justiz hat auch ihre Besorgnis in dieser Hinsicht erhoben und hatte einige Landmark Urteil zur Verbesserung der Situation. Um Adresse der letzten Delhi HC Sorge (HC genannt Delhi eine Gaskammer), Delhi govt Umsetzung Odd sogar Schema zu drastischen Veränderungen in der Verschmutzung Ebene zu bringen. Vorteil der Regelung 1. Reduktion von 50 von Privatfahrzeugen würde die Verschmutzung verringern 2. Weniger Verkehr auf Straßen, weniger Fahrzeit. Aber die verschiedenen Sorgen im Zusammenhang mit dem Erfolg, um in der Regelung zu erreichen, ist folgende 1. Ungerade sogar Schema hat eine Menge Ausnahme, würde die Öffentlichkeit diese Ausnahme ausnutzen 2. Große Verschmutzung in Delhi ist nicht von Autos, sondern von Bike (mehr als 50 lac registriert ), Bautätigkeiten etc. 3. Die Umsetzung der Regelung in Ermangelung eines geeigneten alternativen öffentlichen Verkehrssystems wird Chaos (Metro und DTC bereits überfüllt) bringen. 4. Obwohl die sofortige Testlauf des Systems verwendet werden sollte, um es weiter zu modifizieren für lange Laufzeit. Rhe-System hat alredy erfolgreich gewesen in Biging, Mexiko-Stadt und wenn govt es mit Aufrichtigkeit, die Bereitstellung von alternativen öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln es würde nicht nur reduziert die Verschmutzung Ebene, sondern auch das Problem der Verkehrsüberlastung von Delhi lösen. Plz Überprüfung meiner Antwort .. Thnks Gut. Auch in Mexiko wurde die Fahrzeug-Rationierung von einem Katalysator, einer besseren Kraftstoffqualität, einem massiven Ausbau des ÖPNV-Systems und einer Fortsetzung der Regelung ohne politisches Gefecht begleitet und basiert auf regelmäßigen Eignungstests von Fahrzeugen und periodischer Auswertung von Daten. Auch in Delhi, Nutzfahrzeuge, VIPs und einsame Frau getrieben Petril-und Dieselfahrzeuge sind exsepted trotz Gerichte, die Besorgnis über Pollutiin verursacht durch Nutzfahrzeuge Eingabe NCR ausgedrückt. Strafmaßnahmen sind einfach zu implementieren. Hey ab Reviewr..Happi neues Jahr Mann. Dank für Ihre wertvolle Überprüfung wie üblich8230 Mathan Ninan Malayil Verzeihen Sie meine Unwissenheit. I8217m nicht sicher, ob die Odd-Even-Formel wurde erfolgreich in Mexiko-Stadt. Hey Mathan..thnx für die Überprüfung und die Bereitstellung der wertvollen Link. Ich habe den Artikel vermisst. Ich erkenne das von Ihnen zur Verfügung gestellte Forschungsergebnis an. Ich möchte andere Dimensionen des Problems abgesehen von der Umweltverschmutzung hervorheben -, dass die Verschmutzungslevel in der mexico-Stadt diskutiert werden könnte, aber zumindest sollten wir schätzen, dass ihr ich eine der einzigen Stadt halte, die ein solches Schema in anderen Großstädten dauerhaft umgesetzt hat Nur versucht es vorübergehend. So auf Implementierungsebene. Mexiko-Stadt wurde sehr erfolgreich, die im Falle von Delhi sogar die reibungslose Umsetzung des Systems ist sehr zweifelhaft heben auseinander ihre Auswirkungen auf das Niveau der Verschmutzung. Die Verschmutzung wird von der Tatsache abhängen, ob es sich um große Verursacher handelt oder nicht. Die erfolgreiche Umsetzung bringt auf jeden Fall Chaoszustände auf den Straßen. Anubhav Pandey Kautilya der Punkt über Mexiko ist nicht, dass die Verschmutzung Ebene sank, aber es wurde erfolgreich umgesetzt, dass die Zahl der Fahrzeuge reduziert wurden, die die Umweltverschmutzung vor es scheiterte, weil es für nur ein Fünftel oder ein Sechstel der Fahrzeuge auf road82308230 bitte korrigieren wurde Mich wenn im wrong8230.please Bericht meine answer8230. Auch Thnks für review8230i wird solche Dinge im Auge behalten, um falsche Aussage in meiner Antwort zu vermeiden8217s8230a sehr schöner Punkt von u..plz halten Überprüfung Mathan Ninan Malayil Nicht ein Problem. Im glücklich zu helfen. In der Tat habe ich einige Punkte von Ihrer Antwort auf meine faire Anmerkungen genommen. Cheers und Happy New Year8230 gute Antwort und Punkte .. Blick auf meine Ich denke, in Mexiko, hatte diese Art von Experiment gescheitert. Konzentrieren Sie sich mehr darüber, warum dieser Schritt benötigt. Ich glaube nicht, Fahrradverschmutzung aber Diesel angetriebene Passagiere Autos und Lastwagen verschmutzen mehr Delhi ist die verschmutzteste Stadt von Indien. Luftqualität von Delhi ist am schlimmsten von der Tatsache, dass im November 2015, Verschmutzung auf 29 Tage war ähnlich wie die Red Alert Ebenen in der Beijing. Die Partikelmasse (Größe 2,5 Mikrometer) ist nach vielen Weltinstitutionen gefährlich. Diese Partikelprobleme in der Luft können Atmungsprobleme oder Krebs verursachen. In dieser Situation hat die Regierung von Delhi mit der ODD-EVEN Formeln, die das Potenzial hat, die Verschmutzung zu senken - Im Rahmen dieser Regelung werden nur ODD-nummerierte Privatfahrzeuge an einem bestimmten Tag zugelassen und nur EVEN nummerierte Privatfahrzeuge an verbleibenden Tagen. Dies verringert die Verkehrsdichte auf den Straßen. B. Es ist die Bereitstellung von schweren Geldbuße, wenn jemand gegen die Regeln, so wird es sehr effektiv in der Annahme von Formeln. C. Zusammen mit diesem hat die Regierung von Delhi auch die Anzahl der öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel erhöht. So, wegen der weniger privaten Fahrzeugen und mehr öffentliche Verkehrsmittel Verkehr in der Stadt Delhi wird überschaubar und Verschmutzung wird auch niedrig sein. So ist dies eine neue Bemühung von dem Teil der Regierung, aber es kann nicht sehr effektiv bei der Verbesserung der Luftqualität von Delhi, weil-a. Einer der Hauptschuldigen für die verschmutzte Luft sind Industrien, die sich in der Hauptstadt befinden. Trotz der Befehle des Obersten Gerichtshofs, sie aus Delhi zu verschieben, hat die Regierung keine Maßnahmen gegen sie ergriffen. B. Es ist nicht sehr schwierig für wohlhabende Familien, ein anderes Auto zu kaufen, um sie an den alternativen Tagen zu benutzen. So ist die Anstrengung der Regierung sehr neu für die Kontrolle der Luftverschmutzung, aber zusammen mit dieser Regierung sollte auch Maßnahme wie Verschiebung Luftverschmutzung Industrien aus Delhi, Bewusstsein Generation unter den Massen, die Bestellung von Automobilherstellern, um effizientere und weniger umweltschädliche Fahrzeuge zu liefern. Diese Formeln können erfolgreich sein oder Misserfolg, aber es ist ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung, wenn es scheitert dann Regierung sollte aus Fehlern lernen und zu verbessern. Die Situation in Delhi ist ein de facto Notfall aus umweltpolitischer Sicht. Luftverschmutzung in Delhi ist so viel, dass es direkt betrifft jede einzelne Person, die in Kapital Territorium. Fast 1000 Menschen sterben pro Monat aufgrund der Ergebnisse der Luftverschmutzung. Luftverschmutzung in Delhi wird hauptsächlich durch Industrie und Fahrzeugverkehr verursacht. Aber derzeit konzentrieren sich vor allem in der Fahrzeugverschmutzung, die vergleichsweise leicht zu lösen ist, wie von Delhi Regierung gefühlt. Delhi Government8217s Vorschlag von ungeraden sogar Formel in Autos mit ungeraden Zahl Kennzeichen würden auf ungerade Daten und die mit geraden Zahlen Kennzeichen ungerade tun, auf sogar Daten. Die Idee ist, Staus zu reduzieren sowie die Verschmutzung durch Fahrzeugemissionen zu reduzieren. Es gibt viele offene und herausfordernde Hürden für die Regierung zur Umsetzung der Regel und der Öffentlichkeit zu folgen. 1. Es erfordert eine riesige Anzahl von Arbeitnehmern, die Regel 2 durchzusetzen. Die Mitarbeiter müssen sich mit anderen Zeitverhältnissen anpassen, um ein gemeinsames Fahrzeug zu verlassen, das sein eigenes Auto zu Hause verlässt. 3. Bargeldtransportfahrzeuge können unsicher fühlen beim Teilen von Fahrzeugen Aber Beschwerden können mehr gelöst werden oder Weniger durch gegenseitiges Verständnis die Situation als Notfall. Odd Even Formel ist bereits in wenigen Städten gelungen, um die Emission durch eine riesige Anzahl von Autos zu senken. So ist Delhi Regierung hoffnungsvoll, daß die neue experimentelle Richtlinie eine wirkungsvolle Hoffnung geben kann, Luftverschmutzung zu verringern. Thnx für Überprüfung und glückliches neues Jahr zu Ihnen auch Sein die verschmutzteste Stadt in der Welt Delhi govt hat einen neuen Schritt genommen, um seine Luft, in der indischen Geschichte zu verbessern. Mit Hauptminor Variationen dieses Schema ist in den verschiedenen Ländern der Welt eingeführt worden Die folgende Vor-und Nachteile: Länder wie Mexiko berichten eine 20 Verbesserung in seiner Luft aber es wird schlimmer an Wochenende und Woche Tage, wenn die Regelung nicht in Umsetzung ist. Es wird gesagt, dass dies sich als kurzfristige Maßnahme nur bewährt, die Menschen entweder kaufen mehrere Autos oder noch schlimmer, kaufen alte Autos, wenn sie dauerhaft. Situation spezifisch für Delhi: Berichte zeigen, dass eine beträchtliche Ursache der Verschmutzung zwei Räder sind, die vom Schema befreit sind. Staub trägt am meisten bei der Verschlechterung der aqi, ohne innovative Maßnahmen zu bewältigen, sind die Chancen auf Erfolg selten. Möglichkeit der Standardeinstellung durch Umschalten auf mehrere Autos, die auch einen Albtraum für Wohn-Parkplatz ist sehr hoch. Sehen seine negativen Auswirkungen govt es impliziert, dass es als ein Versuch. Öffentliche Verkehrsmittel wird einen Schub gegeben, die positive Ergebnisse geben können. Aber es sollte nicht als nur Weg durch, Fokus sollte auf Bürgerbewusstsein und Entstaubung für langfristige Ergebnisse Delhi sein Regierung8217s Ankündigung von ungeraden sogar Fahrzeug Rationierung hat die gravierende Situation der Verschmutzung in den indischen Städten hervorgehoben. Fahrzeugverschmutzung ist wichtig und dieses Experiment neigt dazu, es zu reduzieren. Aber, die Blaupause von der Regierung veröffentlicht hat einige große Anliegen. 1. Es gibt viele Ausnahmen wie VIPs, Frauen, Zweiradfahrzeuge, Einsatzfahrzeuge usw. Daher würden nur wenige Fahrzeuge unter diese Regelung fallen. 2. Diese Regel gilt von 8 bis 20 Uhr. Aber die meisten Lastwagen, die auf Diesel fahren, kommen nachts. Es sei denn, dass die Umweltverschmutzung nachlässt, kann es erhebliche Auswirkungen auf die Umweltverschmutzung haben. 3. Delhi Regierung hat beschlossen, 3000 zusätzliche Busse laufen. Auch Taxis und Taxis Nutzung wird zunehmen, wie Delhi Metro ist noch nicht ausreichend. Dies könnte die Verschmutzung erhöhen. 4. Diese Regel gilt nur in Delhi und nicht in der NCR-Region, die auch zur Verschmutzung in Delhi beiträgt. 5. Unzulässige Parkplätze und Eingriffe an Straßen verlangsamen den Verkehr, der zu einer höheren Umweltverschmutzung führt, und diese Regel tut nichts dagegen. Abgesehen von der Fahrzeugverschmutzung gibt es weitere Faktoren, die dazu beitragen: a) Baustellen. Delhi sollte ordnungsgemäße Staub-Management-Plan. B) Unbehandeltes Abwasser und Müllhaufen, das durch Winden in der ganzen Stadt transportiert wird. C) Dieselgeneratorsätze, die überall in der Stadt eingesetzt werden, um Stromausfälle zu kompensieren. Delhi Regierung hat einen bedeutenden Schritt getan, aber dies ist nicht ausreichend, um die Verschmutzung auf ein akzeptables Niveau zu reduzieren. Es ist eine vorübergehende Lösung. Wenn es gut umgesetzt wird, wird dies einige Auswirkungen auf die Verschmutzung haben. Aber für eine nachhaltige Lösung, Delhi Regierung, zusammen mit anderen staatlichen Regierungen sollten zusammenarbeiten, auf andere Faktoren. Kindly Überprüfung frends Und glückliches neues Jahr zu allen Nach dem SC-Anweisung von Delhi, das ein 8220gas chamber8221 des Landes ist, entschied sich die Delhi-Regierung, das ungerade-gleichmäßige Auto formula8211 einen unerwarteten Sprung des Glaubens zu starten. Zunächst wird die Formel für einen Prozess zwischen dem 1. und 15. Januar eingesetzt werden. Die Möglichkeiten, die es helfen kann, sind: 1) Es wird sicherstellen, dass weniger Autos auf der Straße vorhanden sind, was direkt weniger Verschmutzung bedeutet. 2) Mehr Leute neigen, durch öffentliche Verkehrsmittel zu reisen, die govt8217s Etat so mehr subventionfacilities für Leute erhöhen können. 3) Vermeiden Sie Staus und damit den Verkehr. 4) Die von den Straftätern verhängten Geldbußen werden weitere Einnahmen erzielen, die zur Verbesserung der bereits verfügbaren öffentlichen Verkehrsdienste genutzt werden können. 1) Gilt nur für die privaten Fahrzeuge und nicht die Regierung Keine Bestimmung für die Frauen Fahrer. Diese Vernachlässigungen ziehen Verdacht. 2) Die Zahl der reichen Leute in Delhi sind mehr und sie denken bereits an den Kauf eines neuen Autos. Dieser Plan kann nach hinten. 3) Für die Fahrzeuge von NCR8217s gibt es keine Regel, dh der Schritt isn8217t wird qualitativ definiert. Daher kann dieser Plan zurückgehen, was zu erhöhten Emissionswerten führt. 4) Die Anzahl der Start-up Car Services wie Meru, Ola müssen mit dieser Formel zu tragen, die bedeutet, dass Delhi wird als nicht lebensfähig für Start-up-Geschäft bedeutet. 5) Früher wurde diese Formel in Mexiko und Paris verwendet, aber es half nicht. Peking klang erfolgreich, aber nur während der CWG. So ist es auch nicht gut. 6) Eine erhöhte Anzahl von Kräften, die auf der Straße eingesetzt werden, kann die Staus weiter erhöhen, kann auch die Chancen der Korruption erhöhen. Die Regierung sollte sich stattdessen auf die Verbesserung der bereits vorhandenen öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel konzentrieren, das Bewusstsein erhöhen und eine angemessene Planung für den Bau von Radwegen, die helfen können, verbessern. Darüber hinaus, wie die Forschung zeigen, ist es nicht die Fahrzeuge auf der Straße, sondern die schweren Nutzfahrzeuge in der Nacht, die der Täter sind. Die Green cess erhoben werden sollte strikt umgesetzt werden Katalysator sollte in Fahrzeugen verwendet werden. Frauen sind befreit. Sollten sie mit einer Frau oder einem Kind unter 12 Jahren begleitet werden. JOHN MAJOR DALAI Bisherige Verschmutzungsrelevante amp-Klimawandel-Debatten sind - weltweit weltweit - eine neue Dimension. Mit einem Strahl der Hoffnung und Aspirationen über indische Zukunft. Gleichzeitig können die Einschränkungen und Schlupflöcher in der Umsetzung ignoriert werden: Menschen werden zu anderen öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln wie Bus und Metro geneigt sein, für die bisher reisende Bürger eine Überlastung erleiden müssen. Die wirtschaftlichen Aktivitäten können mit einem trägen Bericht kommen. Die Verwendung von doppelten Nummernschildern durch einige Gesetzesbrecher würde die konkrete Idee verdünnen. Korruption und Bestechung können steigen. Es wird definitiv ablenken Tourismus aufgrund der weniger Verfügbarkeit von touristischen Fahrzeug und Eile in den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln. Öffentliche Empörung. Mangelnde Kontrolle in weniger entwickelten Gebieten und das Recht auf Freiheit können eine Menge Fragen über Governance und institutionellen Mechanismus schaffen. Die Vorteile liegen weit über den Grenzen des Klimawandels und eines gesunden und wohlhabenden Lebens hinaus. Die Regierung muss Maßnahmen treffen. Regeln und Vorschriften für die Abfallwirtschaft. Kraftstoff reinigen. Verkehrsregelung. Schaffung von mehr grün Umwelt etc. Umwelt und Klimawandel im Zusammenhang moralischen Werte sollte in Bürger und Kinder durch TV-Programme eingeschärft werden. Unterzeichnete Kampagnen. Straßen-Drammen und in Schulbüchern. Die ungeraden geraden Fahrzeug Rationierung Experiment hat edle Absichten der Beitrag zur Kontrolle der Luftverschmutzung in Delhi, die vor kurzem bekam Bekanntheit als einer der weltweit am stärksten verschmutzten Städten. Die Politik der Beschränkung der Einreise von Fahrzeugen auf ihre Nummernschild zielt darauf ab, direkt zu senken Menge an Emissionen, vor allem relevant, weil Delhi hat eine riesige Anzahl von Fahrzeugen auf Diesel, die als umweltverschmutzender erkannt wird. Diese Strategie könnte auch dazu beitragen, eine Kultur der Mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln im Gegensatz zu den bürgerlichen Bestrebungen, ein eigenes Kraftfahrzeug zu erwerben. Es könnte auch als Katalysator für Unternehmen dienen, um die Aufmerksamkeit auf die Transportbedürfnisse ihrer Mitarbeiter zu richten, indem sie auf Fahrzeugbündelung und andere Mittel fokussiert. Aber ähnliche Fahrzeug Rationierung Experimente wurden in verschiedenen Teilen der Welt durchgeführt, wie Bogota, Mexiko usw. mit gemischten Ergebnissen meist eher unwirksam. Die Menschen neigen dazu, solche Vorschriften durch den Erwerb von mehr umweltschädliche Second-Hand-Fahrzeuge, die sich als kontraproduktiv erweisen werden. Mehr über solche Vorschriften müssen ergänzt werden durch gleichzeitige Stärkung der öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel mit mehr Fokus auch auf nicht motorisierte Verkehrsmittel gegeben. Wege für Fußgänger und exklusive Fahrradwege müssen entwickelt werden. Alle in der ganzen Öffentlichkeit sollte für die Herbeiführung Verhaltensänderungen, die dazu beitragen, das größere Ziel zu fördern. . . 31. März (2000). . 10. 8230,. . Aufrechtzuerhalten. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8230 8212 das ist ein sehr guter Punkt. Vielen Dank .. 1) Die Idee wurde aus folgenden Gründen begrüßt: 8212 ye kya ersten Punkt likha hai. Betrügen des Prüfers Diese Maßnahmen wie die Zusammenlegung von Fahrzeugen und die Benutzung öffentlicher Verkehrsmittel werden dazu führen, dass die Menschen von diesen Modi abhängig sind, und mit der Zeit können wir die Abhängigkeit von privaten Fahrzeugen verringern (eine langfristige positive Wirkung, wenn diese Regelung 8212 fortsetzt) Wird die Regierung dazu zwingen, den öffentlichen Tranpsort zu erweitern und Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Effizienz des Verkehrs zu ergreifen, wenn sie die Unterstützung der Öffentlichkeit (hoffentlich) kritisieren: CNG-Fahrzeuge, die nicht abgedeckt sind. Nur 5-6 Fahrzeuge geschnitten werden, so dass nicht viel Wirkung auf die Verschmutzung (wie Kritiker sagen) China8217s Beispiel erfolgreich war. 8220Beijing8217s ungerade-gleichmäßige Formel auferlegt vor der Olympiade 2008 produziert seine beste Luftqualität in einem Jahrzehnt 8211 mit einer chinesischen Regierung Studie behauptet, dass die Emissionen von Fahrzeugen um 40,8221 haha..yea Art der erwähnten Rest der Punkte didn8217t wissen viel über China so schrieb 8220nicht viel Erfolg8221 und nicht, dass sie die restlichen Posten beurteilt haben, ist die Langzeitwirkung ein guter Punkt. Delhi, die an einer schweren Luftverschmutzung leidet, ist die erste Stadt Indiens, die die seltsame Fahrzeugrationierung experimentiert, die positive Früchte tragen kann Auto-Rationierung: Die Begrenzung der Anzahl der laufenden Autos auf der Straße für 12 Stunden wird voraussichtlich die Luftverschmutzung um 50 zu senken. 2. Alternative Transport. a) The government has added extra fleet of buses, with plans to roll out more, and increased metro rail frequencies, to encourage people to use public transport. b) Citizens, including VIPs, have also been sensitized to pool cars to workplace. 3. Strict regulations. Imposing a hefty fine of Rs.2000 on violators would be effective. However, the Delhi government8217s experiment may not be the key solution to Delhi8217s pollution owing to certain lacunae in the proposal: 1. Inadequate public transport and last mile connectivity provisions. With public transport facilities not strengthened up to the required level, this may result in people buying second hand cars, which may further push the pollution levels higher, as already seen in similar experiments in Cambodia and Mexico. a) 2-wheelers, which are said to cause greater pollution has been exempted from the scheme. b) VVIPs and women drivers have been exempted citing security as reason. 3. Shutting down schools. Shutting down schools during the experiment so as to avail their school buses as public transport is a temporary measure and would not give the exact picture of the success of the formula. Also, it would be highly inconvenient for schools to complete the syllabus in time. Although efforts by the government are laudable considering Delhi8217s severe air quality, but their actions lack scrutiny and planning. Measures like separate buses for women and VVIPs and government-owned car pool services would address the loopholes in the scheme, thereafter making it a success. nice attempt8230review mine Welcome Ash. Its my pleasure. Happy new year In wake of Delhi being announced as worst air quality city by WHO, the Delhi government8217s recent move to allow cars with even number plates on even days and with odd number plates on odd days on a trial basis for 15 days known as Delhi government8217s odd-even rationing experiment on 4 wheeler has following merits 1. It would curb down the level of Sulphur and Nitrogen oxides 2. It will reduce traffic jams hence emission 3. As more vehicles are added per day on Delhi8217s road, the move is cure to this issue 4. A promising result has already been observed in Beijing due to odd 8211 even rationing, a similar trend can be expected in Delhi 5. It will reduce smog level hence visibility will improve in winter However certain facts such as 1. List of exemption to this rule is high and even women driver, sick individual are covered under exemption. As such any person can fake his illness report to evade. 2. Delhi8217s public transport is already overcrowded and lacks last mile connectivity. This rule is going will accrue to the problem 3. Recent crimes like December 16 gang rape has marred Delhi8217s public transport reputation and has more or less branded it unsafe for women. The exemption for women under this rule highlights it. 4. Also main problem of Delhi8217s air is PM2.5 and PM10 who8217s about 60 contribution comes from unregulated construction and vehicles contributing a meagre of 5 to 10 particulate matter. This move implemented has encouraged Delhites to move towards the better air quality goal but other issues have to be underlined by Delhi government to reach its goal. Delhi is one the most polluted urban center in India. The Air quality index (AQI) of various places in Delhi region indicated severely poor quality of air even reaching till 999 at places like Anand Vihar within New Delhi. In fact, Delhi High Court stated in one of it8217s deliberations that residing in Delhi was like 8221 Living in a gas chamber8221. To curb down the pollution level, Delhi government came out with the policy of Odd-Even rule applicable on private vehicles which states that on even dates, only cars with license plates ending with an even number will be allowed on roads and other way around. In spite of it8217s success, it will be a short term solution. This policy has it8217s implications and various sub-domains of the policy needs a thorough deliberation. Firstly, this policy is bound to reduce vehicular pollution but other side is that many families in Delhi own multiple vehicles. Hence, the expected number of vehicles 8220On-Road8221 does not go down by expected fifty percent but rather way less than fifty percent. Here, tariff barriers must be implemented during purchase of new cars or if one owns a car already and buying another one. Secondly, vehicular pollution just contribute 9 percent of total pollution, hence certain level of pollution will be mitigated but major pollution occurs from Dust which is about sixty percent. Majority of dust comes from illegal construction work and non-regulated factory emissions. Comprehensive dust management policy needs to be formulated instead, to attain a long term sustaining solution. Lastly, vehicular emission does impact pollution increment and maximum vehicular emission comes from trucks and diesel buses. These heavy load vehicles use Delhi as passageway point. Instead the halted Eastern and Western Corridor projects must be completed as soon as possible so that these vehicles could bypass the city, thus reducing their major contribution to Delhi pollution. Thus, Delhi government8217s step to curb down pollution is highly appreciable but it needs a more comprehensive look to solve persistent pollution problem as a long term sustaining solution. please review friends On even dates, only cars with license plates ending with even number will be allowed on city roads . On odd dates, only cars with license plates ending with odd number will be allowed. First pilot:- 1st Jan 2016 amp for 15 days. Mon-Sat between 8 AM to 8 PM. Within one cubic feet no. of micro particles should be less than 100 micro gm. ( Delhi :- 500 micro gm.) 1. Will reduce no. of Vehicles on road :- reduce Pollution. reduce traffic. 2.Delhi8217s Model if successful will act as benchmark for others. 3.Will Promote amp increase employment in Public Transport. 4. Awareness in public about pollution. 5. Increase use of CNG. Electric Based Vehicles. 1. Public Transport which using Diesel. Petrol etc. cause pollution 2. Exemption for women . 3. In Mexico and Paris didn8217t help. Beijing sounded successful but only during CWG. 4. Less Frequency of Public Transport. This rule will help to reduce some amount of traffic and pollution. But to permanently reduce pollution gov. should focus to use of CNG. Electric based vehicles rather than Petrol. Diesel (for public. private amp VVIP also). To reduce traffic, use of Bicycle or walking will be best option for short distances nice answerrr8230review mine The odd-even vehicle rationing experiment by the Delhi Government should be seen as a good intention. It has been proposed by the Government to all the citizens of Delhi to ply even numbered vehicles on even dates and odd numbered vehicles on odd dates. 1. This move will help in reducing the traffic and thereby decreasing the air pollution caused by these vehicles. 2. The reduction in traffic will also reduce unnecessary congestions and noise pollution. 3. This policy will motivate the use of public transport which will see the increase in public transport and hence a way of employment for many. 4. This may encourage some people to use bicycles or foot for commuting to nearby places which will indirectly help in their good health. 5. This will also help in decreasing road accidents. 6. Social cohesion and collective responsibility towards our environment will increase. Though the intention and merits of this policy looks good on paper but there are certain bottlenecks in its implementation. 1. It will put extra burden on the policy enforcers and traffic police as they are already burdened due to less manpower. 2. There will be a chaos on public transport as they are very less in number compared to the number of daily commuters. 3. Due to the lack of last mile connectivity, people from the outskirts of the city will have to face serious problem while commuting. 4. There will be increase in number of thefts, and women related crimes due to our bad shaped public transport system. 5. Old people, patients, differently-abled people and small children will be the worst sufferer. 6. Small businesses and trades will be in severe loss as most of their raw materials are transported through individual vehicles. 7..There can be a sudden shortage of staffs and people in various professions. There is a need to look carefully on the pollution issue but it should be done by consulting various stakeholders, experts and by introspecting its practical feasibility. Bringing this type of policy in haste may prove to be a bane rather than boon for the common people. 1. Public transport system should be improved by also keeping in mind the last mile connectivity. 2. There should be an increment in the number and types of public transport system suited for different kinds of people. 3. Bicycle lanes and foot paths should be built on every roads and lanes. 4..Basic facilities on public transport should also be improved so as to encourage every body to use them. 5. Plying of private vehicles during peak hours can be regulated unless there is some urgent health issue. 6. Enforcement of BS 4 norms should be done urgently. In the wake of Delhi being notoriously placed a s world8217s most polluted city and the SC8217s exhorting the govt. terming the situation as living in a gas chamber, the delhi govt. started the odd even vehicle rationing on pilot basis from 1st to 15th jan. the benefits arising out of it are: 1) 40 people in Delhi own two wheelers and close to 20 own cars. This experiment will help to put half the private vehicles off the road resulting in less pollution. 2) Indirectly encouraging people to use public means of transport, car pool etc. 3) The experiment seeks to take out the best practices in this regard from different cities around the world such as Bogota, Mexico City, Beijing, Paris etc. thus adding on to already tried mechanism. 4) less no. of vehicles resulting in less traffic snarls. However, there are reasons for concern such as: 1) Since any such experiment should be launched after due analysis of an efficient and well functioning PT, this seems to be missing. 2) Studies show that Delhi has one of the highest no. of long distance commuters travelling more than 10 kms daily, which means without and effective PT in place the experiment could fail. 3) Other modes of transportation especially non-motorised one needs to be encouraged side by side, by way of provisioning spaces for pavements and cycle lanes. 4) BRT model henceforth diluted should be revived while plugging the loopholes. 5) studies have also shown that in many cities around the world where such experiment has been tried, have not resulted in expected outcomes on pollution parameters. Rather, other issues have popped up such as people buying additional used cars, using forged no plates. etc. 6) Concession granted to VIPs, women may be mis-utilised. though such a step is urgently needed to curb the menace of pollution, alternate modes of transport be made available in conjunction. please review. my first post here. Recently Delhi Govt announced odd-even policy for vehicle rationing due to high vehicle pollution and make citizens vulnerable to take breath. This scheme has so many benefits: It controls the pollution levels and saves citizens lives from pollution threats. It reduces the usage of fissile fuels and encourage electric vehicles and public transports. so many people using bicycles for going offices and on other purposes. This will reduce the emission level at the same time they will become healthy by using bicycles. If this scheme succeeded. Delhi became an ideal city to the entire nation, will give hope to other cities to take such kind of move for reduce emissions. But there are some challenges to implement this scheme properly political hegemony: govt of delhi always blaming central govt and requesting for step down from its over interference. Govt of Delhi providing alternative transport facilities which are not enough for huge population. A warm disagreement from some people who need to travel long distances where public transport facility is not available. pubic who need to go offices very early, think that the public transport is not the real alternative for them because it take so much of time if they use public transport which has lot of stops. Delhi govt exempted women from this scheme, due to women safety it is necessary but some people opposing this move . Anyway, this scheme is a hearty welcoming approach, which makes Delhi a perfect stand on reducing emissions and gives a sustainable environment and healthy breath to citizens. Delhi government8217s odd even scheme of rationing extremely high pollution levels came after Supreme Court took suo moto cognizance of bad situation in Delhi and compared to living in Delhi akin to gas chamber. Why Odd Even scheme 8211 Such scheme successful in past in Bogota, Paris. Mexico 8211 It lead to decreased number of deaths occurring from respiratory ailments in past in such cities 8211 Also, it lead to increased acceptance of renewable energy in such cities How Delhi government intends to roll it 8211 To be applied from 8 AM 8211 8 PM 8211 Odd vehicles on odd days and even numbered on even days 8211 VIPs. women and children ( less than 12 years ) to be exempted 8211 To be intially valid till 15 days Can this Experiment be successful in Delhi Looking from historical experiences of similar cities in world. this scheme looks good. but has some areas which should have been adhered to before scheme rolling 8211 Number of public transportation buses should have been increased. while increasing the frequency of metro as they are heavily crowded even now 8211 Public opinion should have been made before, which leads to increased obeyance rather than suddenly announcing measures - Instead of fine of Rs 2000, some other innovative measure like making people see documentary on obeying government orders ( as was done by ITO crossing police ) should have been done. Monetary fine coupled with corruption can lead to scheme not achieving it8217s objectives However, decision of Delhi government to exempt women passengers from scheme is laudable as it would lead to more safety for them. There is tremendous excitement in Delhiites with even people exempted from scheme deciding for carpooling . It should definitely lead to low PM 2.5 and other pollutants in city and would augur well for India8217s INDCs and Smart City initiative The latest initiative of Delhi govt. i. e. Odd-even vehicle rationing experiment is in line with various judgments of Higher Judiciary of the country. The 15 days experiment (1-15 Jan) is widely welcomed b denizens and experts as - 8211It will help in reducing Air Pollution emitted by Cars significantly along with providing a ground for permanent adoption of this practice. - It shows the govt. s commitment to work for the health of the people and will help reduce the Air Pollutants especially the Particulate matter. The experiment is coupled with shutting down of some Thermal plants and vacuum cleaning of roads. - It will reduce the public dependency on Private Cars and will make them to take Buses, Rickshaws and Metros etc. This will increase the employment opportunity for Auto Drivers and others and result in low carbon emission. - The Noble initiative has its own set of Criticisms such as - - Women are kept outside the purview of the experiment which isnt in line with the Fundamental Right of No discrimination on the basis of Sex. - The Schools have been shut down for 15 days which means loss of Education to Children. - There are more than twice the two wheelers than cars in Delhi and banning only the Private Cars will mean covering only around 6 of vehicles. - The Public Transport especially Metro will become overburdened. - Such experiments didnt yield expected results in Beijing and New Mexico. - The Police Force and the Civil Service Volunteers are not in enough numbers to implement it. - Though criticisms are there, the govt. should not deter by them. Today is the time to act and such measures will hopefully be effective and will enable the govt. to go for more such measures. Hey Wolverine, Can we say Article 15(3) allows govt. to make this provision for women Definitely We can. However, I didn8217t mention it as the matter is sub-judice. I think I shouldn8217t have mentioned 8216Discrimination wala point8217 as the matter is in the court. What do you suggest The 8216odd-even8217 formula which bars the vehicles with registered numbers ending in oddeven numbers on alternate days has drawn a lot of attention. Such a move is in compliance with our fundamental duty to protect natural environmnet has its own benefits: BENEFITS 1. lesser number of vehicles on road implies lesser pollution (Delhi - most polluted city worldwide as per WHO study) 2. reduce the chances of respiratory diseases hence improving the quality of life esp for children. 3. more and efficient use of public transport system 4. give boost to taxi and motorbike services, thus, more employment opportunities. Besides the euphoria, this initiative has some bottlenecks: 1. road dust( around 56) not vehicles is the largest contributor to air pollution in Delhi. Thus, banning vehicles on alternate days won8217t give in much result. 2. biomass burning and improper treatment of human solid waste still remains a problem. 3. huge manpower is required to properly manage the policy. 4. Public transport are still not a safe options esp for women. 5. long list of exemptions debases the noble intentions behind this policy. In nutshell, the initiative alone won8217t suffice in improving the quality of air. Government has already planned to introduce 8220pollution tolls8221 on heavy trucks. Besides, government can introduce some free car zones like Chandigarh and promote bike rent facility like Paris. Huge awareness campaigns and skits can deter the people from polluting the area. Together, we all, can only make a better place to live in. In the wake of WHO report citing Delhi as the pollutest city of the world oddeven was proposed to apply brake on growing concentration of pollutants. According to the scheme Cars with odd number play will ply on odd dates and car with even number plate on even day. It may bring down the pollution level 1)Will reduce the number of 4 wheeler with direct effect on pollution . 2) Decongest the traffic and consequent reduction in waiting timepollution 3)It brings about a sense of ownershipresponsibility of people toward city 4)May serve as example for other cities which too had crossed the red mark in terms of pollution It may become less reformative and more chaotic 1) With still not so advance public transport the scheme may only have a limiting effect 2)It8217s problematic for women who works till late night 3) Two wheeler are a greater cause of pollution. Its not understandable why they should be exempt Other options which may be pursued are promoting bicycle, green lane, incentivizing employee who choose public transport, Zoning of areas etc The odd even rationing scheme is one of the steps taken by the Government of NCT of Delhi to curb pollution. 8211 The problem can lead to the richer class buying more vehicles to compensate for the difficulty which I8217d contrary to the scheme8217s objective 8211 Subsequent stress on the already fragile public transport 8211 Although ambulances are exempted, there might be emergencies may not get early attention 8211 A large section of people are exempted from the scheme which violates the principle of equal responsibility 8211 Difficulty of implementing the scheme 8211 Checks due to the 8216police raj8217 can be a cause of traffic jams and unnecessary harassment of people 8211 The scheme is only a temporary measure and does not provide any structural and fundamental alternative While there are negatives, the scheme is a forward step to tackle the menace of pollution and with mass suppose and intelligent management, this scheme can become a success I guess when critically comment directive is given we need to give an opinion backed by data. I feel you have given an appropriate and a crisp answer. Hi IndiaIndium, First of all your answer contains only 157 words. 2)Try to make your intro and conclusion more interesting and influential 3)you can give examples about the success of this kind of project in other countries(like Beijing) you can add more points by reading through many magazines and pib. In the end forgive me if u did not like any thing about my review and keep on practicing. All the Best Thank you for the review, you raised very valid points. I8217ll make it a point to improve upon them. You have given drawbacks in your answer. But question asks to critically comment. Give some positives of the scheme, since this is a government policy, and there would have been deliberate planningbrainstorming before launching such schemes. So, include positives to make your answer perfect. Marks 8211 310 (less marks due to incomplete answer) Yeah, I realised it after writing the answer. Will make sure I don8217t repeat the mistake. Please review my other answers also and give marks. Thanks The Delhi government move on odd even car formula to check the pollution in National Capital is a novel one. Karnataka state government also urged to take action to curb the pollution in State Capital. If the scheme get success then many states will come forward to take action for curbing pollution on same lines. Introduction of the scheme have some advantages like reduction of traffic by carpooling among neighbours or within family, between colleagues. Use of public transport, saving fuel which is our major import saves our foreign exchange. Limits the emission of pollutants in especially inwinter where pressure of air mass is high in this time pollutants are not going to disperse very soonly. Not so effective in terms of it exempted two wheelers run by petrols because commuters of two wheelers is more population than cars. The who possess two cars whose registration comply with the law or commute by two wheeler on prescribed day will not be checked this may hardly going to bear any results in curbing pollution level. Delhi govt has rolled odd even vehicle formula which restricts movement of vehicles in a modelled way as only car numbers ending odd number on odd days and vis--vis for even on an experiment basis for 15 days. Such intervention needed when Delhi has become heavy polluted with particulate matter exceeding 500 Basis points on average. Restricts movement of cars so less pollution, less fuel consumption (so less current account deficit also). Brings awareness among people about pollution making people cautious about actions. Increases tendency of using public transport and car pooling. Reduces traffic congestion and also improves health. Fines collected can be used to build dedicated corridors and green roads and increase public transport indirectly increasing employment due to additional capacity building. Safety increases and decrease in road accidents. Lack of public transport may effect public. No dedicated corridors which causes inconvenience and is only for 15 days. Effects petty business persons and start-ups due to restriction of using CNG. Heavy traffic violations due to escaping tendency and heavy fines. Heavy exemptions which dilutes scheme and limited period. As per report from NGT it is industries, farm burns, and heavy vehicles, Construction which move in night cause more pollution. Steps should be taken like encourage work from home, Alternate corridors to manoeuvre Delhi, More public transport, Car free days etc. The introduction of the odd-even scheme to check the air pollution levels in Delhi has generated mixed views from different sections of the society. The positive implications of the scheme involve - 8211 decrease the air pollution levels in the region 8211 reduce traffic congestion and cases of traffic accidents 8211 encourage healthy habits like walking and bonhomie with the fellow beings 8211 develop fuel saving trends of carpooling and use of public transport On the other hand seen as a knee jerk response to the Delhi High Courts observation of NCR turning into gas chamber some serious concerns involving the scheme are - 8211 increased inconvenience to the people having a single four wheeler 8211 identifying and monitoring the use of fake license plates 8211 dealing with the case of medical emergency 8211 requirement of adequate manpower to regulate and ensure the implementation of the scheme. The scheme can prove to be a successful initiative with introduction of last mile connectivity system to boost public transport. Though not a one stop solution to check pollution levels it is a laudable step taken by the Delhi government the fruitful result of which will be seen in the long term through the combined efforts of political will and public participation. The odd-even vehicle rationing experiment of the Delhi Government aims to reduce air pollution levels of the city and entails allowing four wheeled non commercial vehicle to ply on Delhi roads odd numbered on odd dates and even numbered on even dates. The initiative is not politically sound as it is likely to cause discomfort and inconvenience to the majority of people. Therefore such an action motivated by the concern for city8217s environment and health of the residents is laudable. However, the genesis of this issue lies in the court proceedings of different cases petitioned to demand safe and healthy environment in the Delhi High Court and The Supreme Court of India. The odd-even scheme has been rolled out on experimental basis from 1January 2016 till 15th of January 2016. After 15th January results of this experiment will be analyzed to decide upon future continuance of this scheme or on bringing required changes. On Sundays all vehicles irrespective of their numbers are allowed to ply. Services by the Delhi Transport Corporation, Delhi Metro and Delhi Transit have been augmented to deal with increased number of commuters. Awareness campaigns through advertisements, interaction with school students and by other means have been adequate in spreading information. Delhi Traffic police along with Civil Defense volunteers have been prepared. This indicates towards the prudent and pragmatic approach of the government. There is a list of exempted people, who need not follow this rule-the police department has raised concerns regarding the difficulty in implementation they might face due to these exempted vehicles. The scheme is not likely to affect the rich as they have many vehicles some with odd number plates while rest with even numbers. It is the middle class people, having one car and that to bought with a genuine reason of reaching their workplaces on time, who will suffer. Much can be said regarding this scheme only after the initial trial is over and information regarding the affect on environment, response of people and implementation come in the public domain. However it is need of the hour that governments start taking initiatives, like the Delhi government, no matter how difficult, to prevent air pollution. Clean air is a necessity for healthy life and not just a desirable condition. The odd even rule which has been put in place for a trail period of 15 days as a result of reports indicating pollution levels in Delhi to have reached a severe level and following High court statement that living in Delhi is similar to living in a gas chamber. The advantages of this scheme is : 1. Vehicular emissions which contributes to 44 to PM 2.5 and 46 of the carbon monoxide will be reduced to half thus reducing the level of pollution and making the air more breathable 2. As this rule will be applicable to vehicles of other states as well, hence, the vehicles directed to Delhi will be reduced. 3. This will reduce the no of vehicles on the road to almost 60 percent which will pave way to a lower traffic and speedy transport movement. 4. The rule exempts CNG driven vehicles so this will encourage people to shift to a less polluting fuel that is CNG 5. With lesser no of vehicles plying on the roads movement of ambulances will be swifter causing fewer deaths which previously used to be a result of road delay. 6. It will promote healthier habits like walking reducing health ailments to a certain extents. The limitations and challeneges of such a scheme is the following : 1. Reports of such a measure in other cities of the world like Beijing and Paris indicate that the relief is only temporary as many are seen buying an even and odd registered car. This can be dissuaded by ensuring a robust public transport system. 2. There will be a rise in fake registration papers and counterfeit number plates which needs to be carefully looked into for a successful implementation in the long run. 3. The Delhi Police strength and volunteers proves to be inadequate for such a scheme. To supplement the man power it is essential to have a wide network of cctv traffic cameras with automated checking mechanism only in the long run. 4. There are possibilities of passengers taking leeway of the exemptions provided to them such as vehicles with sick passengers are allowed to use a car. 5. There is a certain section of population who car pool one car among 4 to 5 people. They will be affected. 6. With the increase in people resorting to public transport the bargaining power of the people will reduce and incidences of exorbitant rates being charged by public transport provides will rise. This initiative coupled with other environment friendly initiatives undertaken by the government shows that the government is worried about the environment and is ready to take up any against to curb it. However, a knee jerk reaction shouldn8217t be undertaken without a robust public transport with last mile connectivity. Also, setting in Bharat stage 5 standards soon enough this year will make cars less polluting. In the wake of rising vehicles and related emissions, and the dubious distinction of Delhi as most polluted city of the world acc. to many estimates, Delhi govt. has rationed use of 4 wheelers in Delhi, with certain exemptions. The policy has received mixed responses8211 Those favouring it: 8211 Given the dubious distinction of Delhi as most polluted city of world, the tie is ripe to act. 8211 Adequate build up for the vehicular rationing by way of 8216car free days8217 was also done. 8211 Reducing no. of vehicles on road is the only solution to vehicular pollution menace. 8211 Interests of vulnerable groups have been taken care of by way of exemptions - women, medical emergency. 8211 The 15 day exercise will be followed by its review and feedback, and it continuance will depend upon the review. 8211 It seeks to promote attitudinal change in 4 wheeler users - collective interest of pollution reduction shall prevail over individual convenience. 8211 Vehicular pollution is a major source of pollution in Delhi, and needs to be curbed. 8211 The policy is complemented by other efforts too - like Envt. tax on diesel vehicles, re-routing of trucks, crackdown on builders, etc. Those opposing it: 8211 Exemptions will make the system less effective. 8211 Trust is reposed on usersdrivers, who may try to misuse exemption provisions. 8211 Two wheelers constitute another major source of vehicular pollution, but have been exempted. 8211 Crumbling public transport infrastructure, unable to support the increased footfallusers. Notwithstanding the shortcomings of the rationing system, it is indeed a step in the right direction. The govt. is making complementary efforts to deal with other sources of pollution, one at a time. The notion of a car as a status symbol needs to be shunned. The odd-even vehicle rationing provides for plying of odd numbered vehicles on odd dates and even numbered vehicles on even dates. This experiment is in consonance with our fundamental duty towards environment and also a calculated move towards sustainable development. This experiment has many benefits such as 8211 1. Decreased number of vehicle plying on the road at any time and hence reduced level of emissions 2. Decreased number of vehicles means less congestion and traffic jams 3. More usage of public transport means lower use of fossil fuel as well as revenue generation for government 4. Problem of parking space in public places will be improved 5. Increased frequency of metro rail means efficiency in public transport management 6. A successful implementation will provide bench mark for other cities and lead India towards her crusade against climate change However, there are certain difficulties in implementing the scheme. They are 8211 1. Structural arrangements are difficult to put in place. For example, a successful implementation requires huge manpower (both volunteers and police men), increased number of public transports and detail time schedule for public buses and Metro rails. 2. Relaxations for VIPs, Woman Drivers etc. are going to dent the effectiveness of the program 3. An efficient traffic management system is required for this. Presently, the nodal agency Delhi Police does not have such huge manpower 4. The rich may buy two vehicles with different registration, which may cause slight increase in vehicles itself However, this is a novel project. Its success depends as much on tight enforcement as on general awareness. Anubhav Pandey Kautilya good points82308230 please review my answer Overall good structure. Covered all the points8230 However conclusion can be changed and made more attractive. Instead of the word 8220gaschamber8221, you can you use some other words8230 Anubhav Pandey Kautilya okk8230actually i just mentioned it coz delhi high court said so8230but i will remove it8230..i m working on conclusion part m unable to come out with it8230but trying8230please suggest sumthing8230 The recent Delhi govts Odd even formula for vehicles have been started in the wake of its deteriaorating air quality. This rule is applicable for a trial period of 15 days. According to rule vehicle reg numbers ending with Odd number will be allowed to roads on odd dates and even numbered vehicles on even numbered dates. Advantages of such rule 1. Half of the vehicles may stay out of road for 15 days in a month 2. Reduction in traffic, pollution 3. give a way for good practices like car pooling, using public transport 4.reduction in unnecessary wastage of fuel Well odd even experiment may not be that effective because 1. India is home to large traffic violators, insufficient traffic police may have to keep vigil on violators which would not work in long run 2. Penalty should be hiked, cancel of Driving licence should be considered 3. Exempted vehicles should be taken into ambit(ambulances, emergency vehicles can be exempted) 4. Inefficient public transport may have to be upgraded Well Nothing is impossible if implemented without corrupted authorities. The right support from public will indeed help in reducing pollution level in Delhi. If the formula becomes successful in Delhi, it can be implemented in other cities as well. Life is a ceaseless struggle against health and disease. But pollution makes this struggle one sided by inducing several diseases in human beings. In order to curb this issue, Delhi govt has introduced a scheme named as odd and even scheme. Under this scheme the odd numbered cars can be used only on odd days and even numbered cars on even days with an exemption on sunday. The merits of this scheme are 1) The most significant merit is the reduction in pollution level not only in air but also the noise one. 2) The traffic will be smoother as less no of cars will lead to less traffic. This will save time and also reduce pollution level 3) More use of Public Transport by people. This will not only save time but also will be asset in the income generation of the govt. 4) Though VIPs are exempted from this scheme but bureaucrats and policy makers will now be closer to common people helping them to understand the common problems in transport and communication. The demerits of this scheme are: 1) The contribution of vehicles in the pollution emission is very less in comparison to other sources. So it might not lead to a visible effect in the reduction. 2) Though the scheme has been made comprehensive but still few questions are unanswered like if a person goes out of delhi with his odd numbered car and he returns back on the even day then what will be the action. 3) There is need to deploy a large no of traffic personnels to check the nos. With their nos less in the city it may be an issue. 4) There should also be an exemtion to old aged persons as it will be difficult for them to catch buses and metros. Though govt is increasing the frequency of public transport, some more modifications can be done like exemption should be given to cars carrying at least 4 passengers as it will promote the concept of car pooling and will be boost in making this scheme successful Recently indias commitment to reduce emission intensity by 32-35 by 2030,establishment of national air quality index, US calling for fitting air purifiers to its emassy, ban of diesel vehicles above 2000cc. all these shows the serious attention needed to improve the air quality Out come of odd an d even policy of delhi might not be pleasing because Mexico also introduced same modal and aoucome was not so bright Chances of people buying second handled vehicles are more. which means they are old and more consumpion of fuel, which adds for more pollution Rule says 8am -8pm people might leave for their work early morning and return lave evening Lack of last mile connectivity by public transport which causes discomfort in commuters Timing of public transport might not be satisfying for new commuters Though it might seem good effort from govt to contain pollution but it should encourage for long term sustainability which can be done through Custruction of dedicated lane for bicycles Last mile connectivity in public transport Increase in parking charges. increase in congestion charges Safty for women in public transport Introducing electric buses upgrading to euro 4 and euro 5 norms as fast as possible Controlling pollution wont be possible with out good response form people. car culture should stop. and people should take responsibility in reducing pollution . The recent Delhi government8217s odd-even vehicle rationing experiment is meant for permitting vehicles to run on road on particular date i. e. even numbered registration vehicles run on even number days and vice versa. Benefits: 1) Highly beneficial in metropolitan areas to decongest roads and reduce vehicular emissions. 2) Habituating the usage of public transportation and in the mean time it will be upgraded as per necessities. 3) Generating awareness and responsibility for reducing emissions and to work for eco-friendly lifestyles and sustainable development. 4) Act as a paradigm solution for a longstanding solution and if successfully implemented, it can be executed in other areas as well. Hindrances: 1) Perfect implementation is a serious challenge before the government, especially in urban areas where traffic flow is high. 2) Requires enormous manpower to be vigilant keenly. 3) Chances of corruption and bribery. 4) May obstruct for attending urgent works and affect the lifestyle of the people. 5) Exemptions can be used as loopholes and if happen so the entire scheme will become failure. However, this scheme is implemented successfully in various parts of the world. Taking a new initiative is never a wrong thing. The only challenge is to execute it for achieving intended results. The odd even formula test run by Delhi government AAP would be a change for the state atmosphere. The vehicle number plates ending with even number will be on road on even dates and vice-versa Mainly two things which are going to see with this action. 1) The road traffic will be reduce. 2) The pollution generates from car will come down. Every policy has its own merit and de-merits Road traffic will reduce but simultaneously the additional public transport will also increase on the same roads. People will learn to travel by sharing vehicle. Car pollution is not the major issue for the atmosphere. Car pollution constitute less percentage in particulate matter. In my opinion, government has to take some action on other things also to reduce the pollution in the state. If odd even formula is for reducing pollution in the state then there are bio mass pollution, industrial pollution etc also exists which has to be work out. If odd even formula is just for reducing traffic, then there should be no exemption to be given to the CNG vehicles, women drivers, commercial vehicles etc. Answer shows awareness about the topic, almost all important aspects of the issue. A little explanation on what is Particulate Matter would have been even better - reflects depth and positive overall impression, no matter how common the concept. Additional public transport traffic increase should not be a problem as number of private vehicles are coming down. Odd even is not primarily to reduce road traffic, the last line goes against the entire content of answer. Q. Critically comment on Delhi governments odd-even vehicle rationing experiment. (200 Words) Recently Delhi government has introduced odd-even vehicle rationing experiment in order to reduce the pollution levels in the national capital. Positive aspects of the experiment:- 1. The intention is good i. e. to reduce pollution level. 2. Itll also reduce the congestion in roads to a certain extent. Criticism of the experiment:- 1. The scheme only applies to cars. But major polluters are trucks amp construction sector. The scheme remains silent on these. 2. The timing of the implementation (8 AM-8 PM) is not adequate to solve the problem. Because major pollution occurs during night i. e. after 8 PM. And it is the night pollution which is the main reason behind formation of smog amp black airs in the morning. 3. What will determine the pollution level is how much distance a car covers, not how much times a car travels. 4. The scheme applies to Delhi, not even NCR. But major pollution occurs in the NCR (Gurgaon, Ghaziabad). 5. Why dont include senior citizens in the exemption list 8AM-8PM is still considered to be safe for women, then why include them in the exemption list 6. It is only a temporary scheme. 7. Implementation will be much challenging. Although the intention is good, but it will hardly have a significant impact on mitigating air pollution. International experience(Beijing, Singapore) also shows this. Good answer. Rational points make a strong case. point 6 under criticism - a trial is criticized for being a trial. Are you against this scheme. Your answer has 2 ve and 7 - ve points8230make sure it should be balanced8230 As SC observed its time to act in Delhi as the city as become one of the most polluted cities of the world causing serious concerns about the health of the people. Some of the positives : It will reduce the emission from vehicles which were one of the major contributors to the pollution. It would reduce the traffic congestion. It would bring the people towards public transport It would reduce the fossil fuel dependency and help to save the strain on foreign exchange. The individuals will be forced towards public transport may also be a econamic gain for them. But few negatives : Success of the similar measure were of minimal rates in the other cities. Exempting the VIPs takes away the sancity of building awareness. As SC said the judges would car poll. The VIPs should have lead from the front in the initiative. In the incidences of increasing crime rates against women in Delhi, the women would feel more insecure and no confidence building measures are in sight. Its biased towards women in car pooling rather car pooling should have been promoted openly among people commuting to office. Lack of proper connectivity and can cause excessive strain on public transport system as there were reports of non availability of sufficient number of busses. Rich would purchase another car and the aim of the programme will fail. It8217s time for citizens of Delhi its diffdifference stand up and make a difference as the nature of our future depends on future of nature. The clean environment is a liabilty which we have to pay back to future generation. Being the most pollute city in India, Delhi government starts odd-even vehicle rationing policy on trial basis for 15 days. This deals with vehicles with licensing plate number even can move on even days amp odd licensing plate on odd days. Benefits of such experimentation: 1) Such vehicles odd-even policy helps to reduce pollution in Delhi as they are one of major pollutants 2) Reduction in traffic congestion 3) Encouragement to people for more amp more use of public transport 4) For effective implementation, more manpower is required led to employment generation. 5) If experimentation succeed, it acts as model for other major cities like Mumbai, Bangalore, and Hyderabad for such implementation. Criticism of policy 1) Of total registered vehicles in Delhi, practically such policy affects less than 20 vehicles which hampers motive behind such policy 2) Number of exemption like women, VIPs raise eyebrows of many about intension of government 3) Important issue is about implementingpolicing capabilities as it doesnt seem enough capable. 4) Rich people will registered new vehicles as option. Also during implementations as fine is very high, it may increases briberycorruption cases. 5) Lack of public transport from facilities amp end-to-end connectivity raises commuters issue. So though government intension is good, but seeing the capabilitiescondition and large number of exemptions it seems to be difficult for effective implementation of purpose behind policy. The problem of vehicular Pollution in Indian cities is grave. Our metro lacks an adequate quality of breathable air. The fact is Indian cities are on the chart of most polluted cities in the world. Delhi governments odd-even formula to reduce No of private vehicles on a road is one of the steps to stop deteriorating Air quality further. Merits: 8211 Formula effectively reduces no of vehicles and encourages people to take public transport Instead. 8211 Reduce traffic leads to a reduction in congestion on the road and hence more fuel saving. 8211 Particulate matter 8211 Polluter will reduce, enhances life quality of patients with pulmonary disorders. - An exemplary formula that may need some modifications for others to accept. Criticism 8211 The formula is discriminatory 8211 Not applies to two-wheelers as they contribute to 70 of pollution 8211 do not discriminate between Technologically advanced vehicles and older, as older vehicle pollutes more 8211 Exemption granted has been questioned by supreme court 8211 Inefficient 8220Last mile connectivity8221 hampers life of many office goers - An Apprehension of increase in registration of alternate vehicles. The move to reduce vehicles on the road is a novel formula in India, However without improving public transport and a long list of Exemptions makes it skeptical to succeed. Any Initiative to reduce the use of vehicle should be backed by a conscience of citizens and their awareness for an environment. A solution that increases hardship is less likely to bear fruits. words -239 In your conclusion part, you could have told the way forward to reduce pollution in Delhior to how to make sure that this policy may succeed. That would fetch you better marks. The air quality in Delhi has become so unsustainable and alarming that it necessitates urgent attention for all the stakeholders living in National Capital Region. Taking cognizance of the situation Delhi government initiated an innovative methodology that intends to serve the objective of reducing concentration of GHG8217s in atmosphere. The experiment involves reduction in vehicular emissions by limiting vehicular traffic though an Odd-even rationing method. Private vehicles that holds odd number are allowed to move on roads on one day and those holding even number are allowed to ply next day. This experiment is a positive step because: 1. Helps reduce emissions that are hazardous for health of the population 2. Reduced traffic which minimise commute time and hence help saving the cost of fuel. 3. Psychological benefits such as reduced stress due to relatively free movement of vehicular traffic. 4.Economic benefits: Less demand for fuel may reduce the price of fuels, reduced import bill etc 5.Sociological benefits: Improved family bond and happiness as people will be relatively less stressed than before 6.Environmental sustainability: Reduced traffic means reduced pollution and hence their concentration will reduce with time Challenges: 1. Though Odd even formulae will reduce vehicular traffic, but it requires commensurate increase in public transport system that is accessible and affordable to general public. 2. Public participation and cooperation is must for success of the scheme. This requires attitudinal changes so that people develop empathy towards environment and have a sense of ownership for improving the air quality. 3.In case of emergencies in a private home, a well developed emergency response team that caters to various requirements of public is required at place. This is because people may suffer emergencies such as health emergencies and in such circumstances, a timely response is must. Solutions: 1. Car Pooling 2. Development of multi modal transport system 3. Use IT and social media to spread information regarding emergencies. Innovations need to come out to provide solutions in this regard. Immaculate. GHG8217s could have been written in full form also few words why the need to reduce them. Is reducing the particulate matter in immediate surrounding not the prime concern just wanted to know as i thought its the PM8217s alarming levels. Thanks for your review8230Indeed GHGs are Green house gases that include Co2,CO, NOx etc which are emitted from vehicles, industries etc8230Particulate matter is a generic term that involves smokes, aerosols, dusts, fumes, ashes whose source may be constructions sites, vehicles, pesticides, insecticides etc8230So there is a difference between Greenhouse gases and Particulate matter. Since Delhis air quality detoriated mostly on account of vehicular emissions or construction activities, hence we are focussed on vehicular emmissions in Odd even formulae. Particulate Matter levels should be there in place of GHG..I was a bit confused from your question..Reducing Particulate matter is prime concern8230thanks for correcting me.. Even i checked again and got more clarity. A new dimension of common constituents in GHG and PM came up. That is the benefit of discussions i guess. Thanks to you too. Yes discussion brings in clarity and widens our thought process. Keep reviewing and thanks to you The Man on a Mission Odd even formula: Under this new initiative by Delhi government to combat surging pollution, vehicles with licence number ending with even numbers will be allowed to ply on even dates and odd numbered vehicles on odd dates except Sundays. Requirement: To counter increasing level of pollution in delhi which have crossed critical level, stringent measured are required and this is one such bold experiment to make the city air breathable. Benefits: 8211 less traffic congestion at roads 8211 less environment pollution 8211 less travelling time 8211 increase in use of public transportation 8211 more incentive to invest in public transportation from goverment 8211 less import of oils leads to less account deficit of government 8211 public awareness about critical level of pollution in delhi Hurdles: 8211 large number of enforcement personnel required to implement this scheme effectively 8211 public transport system in not adequate to handle the current load of population 8211 if implement in long run, rich can buy vehicles with even and odd number plates, might lead to corruption in awarding licence numbers 8211 coordination between different enforcement agencies 8211 large list of exemptions The question is asking you to critically comment on the policy. So, when you give benefitshurdles etc. give your own language to points, and try to bring home the point through examples. Also, whenever you give problems in any question, try to bring 2nd last para or conclusion containing solutionsyour own original suggestions in end. JOHN MAJOR DALAI jfjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj : (1)ffjjfkkkkkkkkkkkkk (2)kffjfkfkjkfjdk kthere is nk option of capacity building Delhi govt with the beginning of the New Year has come out with the implementation of its odd even plan. This plan envisions the reduction of rising pollution by reducing the number of cars on a per day basis by allowing only even numberplate cars on even dates and odd number plate cars on odd dates. Since this plan is very new for India therefore a lot of apprehensions are there: 1. Its effective implementation is in question as the govt neither has any experiencenor skilled manpower in relation to this. 2. A big question is whether the public transport is well equipped with the services that can be availed by those commuters who are not allowed cars on that specific date. 3. Corruption may rise. 4. There are some groups of power who are exempted from this rule which may create exclusivity of a certain groups of people and make hostile the other. 5. Fines imposed are too high which an average middle class has to pay. 6. Sale of cars may rise due to this rule. Rich will buy cars which can help them ply both the days. 7. Loopholes in the system will help the crooks enhance their businesses. 8. As the city is not well equipped with the safety standards and infrastructure such as roads and other means of transport, without taking this in picture the implementation may bring difficulty for the common man. However, to make this plan successful people must be given a well equipped and well managed public transport system and other services such as car pooling. Other measures to curb pollution in the city must also be implemented. Criticaly comment 8211 both aspect should be there along with stance in the conclusion. ve aspect is missing. Odd Even Formula is launched by Delhi Government as a pilot project for 15 days in the wake of exorbitantly high levels of pollution. It rations the vehicles on the basis of their registration number and allows the odd and even numbered registered vehicles to run on alternative days respectively. Pros - 1 Vehicular rush will narrow down 2 reduction in air, noise and sound pollution 3 will signal out the alarming rate of increasing pollution among the civil society 4 school children are made a part of the program which will nurture their young minds and help them evolving in more responsible citizens in the time to come 5 encouragement of public transport and clean energy based transportation means Cons 1 Vehicular emissions are not the only pollutants. In fact their contribution to the total pollution is much less as compared to industrial pollutants and construction industry 2 Too many exemptions allowed defying the overall purpose 3 Govt vehicles are exempted signalling a wrong message in the civil society as law makers are not required to follow the law 4 no commensurate public transportation availability 5 evidences of failure of the model in many foreign countries 6 people might start buying new cars and corruption in RTO office might increase to get the desired registration number Suggestions: 8211 Preparation of a fundamental plan for fighting corruption 8211 Public Awareness Campaigns regarding alarming pollution 8211 Rewards to people opting for clean energy based non motorized vehicles 8211 encouraging start ups in the field of developing app based car pooling services 8211 checking industry generated pollution 8211 planting of more trees across roads The recent SC court order to regulate pollution in the capital city of Delhi which has been a great problem as far as health and economic losses are concerned, is a great break through. To tackle the situation, govt had not been showing any keenness to formulate any policy so far. The rule to regulate the traffic may seem very inadequate as this vehicular pollution only provide 13 of all pollution in the city . Banning the car has its own pros and cons i. e. 1)Most of the person will use public transports which will cause low pollution . 2)when each day only half of the vehicle will run the traffic will get reduced . 3)The lesser pollution will lead to cause less health related issues . 4)This in long run provide this policy provide quality environment which will be sustainable . 1)As it is obvious that one will suffer as there is less public transport vehicle running in Delhi lead to over crowding in trains and buses . 2)There is lake of man power to implement the policy affectively . 3)Lack of control over other resources of pollution can be a great problem as there is no policy on it . 4)It Other sources of pollution. construction and building activity, industrial estate in the out skirt of Delhi. No policy on checking the activity of polluting sources causing a great pain to over all increasing disaster of human origin . When ever envirnmental violations are there we need to tackle all the resource of pollution collectively otherwise we will end up having the same issue coming again and again. Definition: This rule would define which car you can drive on a particular date on Delhi roads. On even dates, only cars with license plates ending with an even number will be allowed on city roads, and on odd dates, cars with license plates ending with an odd number will be allowed. Shortcomings of the plan : a)Plan does not cover all vehicles. Hence the scope is fairy restricted.(Women drivers, two wheelers etc are exempted).Hence the extent of pollution restricted will be less. b)People who can afford multiple vehicles are practically exempted from this rule c)Delhi8217s public transport may prove inadequate to contain a sudden surge of commuters d)The police unit will be over burdened e)Corruption is bound to increase( auction of no. plate, RTO8217s etc) Why the plan might be a success: a)A pioneer step to reduce pollution in the country. Other statesSchemes will follow b)Will reduce pollution. Although the amount may be less c)3000 new buses commissioned. Might mitigate the problem of commuter congestion, d)Awareness among the people e)Creation of jobsoppurtunity Mam, it seems u also get Hindu one day late. Could we review each other8217s answer daily because till the time we write answer ours get lost among previous 200-250 answers. What do u say Atleast we will be able to get one or two review Hey I m not really regular on this forum. however i will review ur answer as much as i could Yeah thanks..will do the same Q) Critically comment on Delhi governments odd-even vehicle rationing experiment. (200 Words) A) Delhi high air pollution leads its govt to adopt odd-even vehicle rationing experiment. Delhi govt initiated odd-even vehicle policy on an experimental basis from Jan 1 to Jan 15 for vehicles. It exempted two-wheelers, CNG certified vehicles, emergency services, women drivers with women co-passengers and children below 12 yrs, differently abled, and VIPs. Benefits and Impacts of scheme 8211 1. Pollution, Public health 8211 enables reduce air pollution. IIT kanpur study shows vehicles are second largest emitter followed by industry and power plant. Transport accounts for 14-17 of PM2.5, which has dangerous effect on cardiovascular and respiratory issues and 53 of NO2. Children are the most affected. The odd-even policy helps in reducing the effect on health from transportation. 2. reduces smog, dense fog and improve visibility. Delhi already facing high smog and dense fog which disrupting flight and train schedules. 3. Decongestion 8211 lead to less road accidents. Diversion of Delhi passby vehicles and trucks. Nearly 12 lakh vehicles pass by Delhi. SC recently announced Environment charges on them to curb pollution and traffic. 4. Empowerment, volunteer and active participation 8211 helped in empowering people of pollution issues, hygiene, health. enabled active participation from citizens. 5. Promotes usage of public transport 6. Emergency services are exempted. 7. Helps in improving its ranks in air pollution. Delhi is the worst polluted city in the world with PM2.5 660 microgramscubic metre, which is 10 times the National Ambient Air Quality Standards(NAAQS) and PM10-1400 microgramscubic metre 14 times the standard 100 microgramscubic metre. 8. Technology 8211 enables usage of technology by govt and citizens. Delhi govt launched Poocho app for car pooling. CNG run taxis. 9. Coordination bw centre and Delhi 8211 Delhi police and Delhi govts Road and Transport personnel. Loopholes in the scheme 1. By focusing more on citizen, the state is chiding away from its responsibility of providing infrastructural support 8211 public transport, cycle-friendly pathways, easy access to differently-abled and old ppl, greener roads, environment friendly buildings. 2. lack of comprehensive approach 8211 construction sites, coal-based industries, dust, burning straw account for 14-17 of PM2.5 and high smog and dense fog. 3. Two wheelers are exempted. IIT kanpur study shown two wheelers pollute more than cars. 4. Gender bias 8211 Women are exempted, which is a basic flaw as male-female partners in family would change their daily responsibilities, hence doubtful how much pollution levels will be reduced. Though the initiative is a first good step towards curbing air pollution, it should not move focus away from infrastructural support, stricter regulations for industries and construction sites, burning straw in NCR region and should remove exemptions on phased manner to mae the scheme effective. Gurgaon city next planning to adopt the similar scheme is a good example of bringing awareness towards curbing pollution. WHO says air pollution is the single largest environmental health risk 8211 12 million deaths in 2012 and Global burden of disease report says 6 of global deaths due to air pollution. Odd-Even vehicle rationing experiment is one of its kind initiative by Delhi government to control pollution. The policy would allow even numbered vehicles on even days and odd numbered on odd days with few exemptions. The trial would run for 15days to gauge the success of the experiment. Even though the initiative started with a grand vision, the success of it is at stake and depends on various factors: gt One of its exemptions include vehicles with woman passengers which provide room to deviate from the policy. For instance if neighborsrelativesfriends have vehicles with odd and even numbers. On even day people can exchange their vehicles allowing woman drivers to go with odd vehicles and others can take even vehicles. gt Similar advantage can be considered by citizens to negate the efficacy of the policy from its own exemptions including women driver with child less than 12yrs and emergency vehicles. Even though emergency vehicles has to be exempted but the seriousness of emergency is not mentioned in here. gt The trial period considered is for 15days from Jan 1-15, 2016 with schools being closed. This means the result from trial period is not accurate and will not reflect real scenario. Also considering seasonal effect, the trial period may not provide actual picture. gt Further the timing of inspection (8.00Am-8.00Pm) may not give real picture. This will give individuals space to take vehicle to commute before 8.00Am and after 8.00Pm. Given these inherent faults, the long-term sustainability of the policy is at stake. Also the initial enthusiasm evade away with passage of time. Rather than odd-even policy, if the government installs pollution based sensors on every vehicle it would be more effective. Bro, it seems u also get Hindu one day late. Could we review each other8217s answer daily because till the time we write answer ours get lost among previous 200-250 answers. What do u say 8220Odd even rule8221 initiated by government of Delhi to curb pollution in Delhi by allowing the vehicles number plates ending with odd number on odd dates and even number on even dates. Benefits 1. It will reduce the traffic on roads to some extant and its management will become effective. 2. It will encourage people to use public transport and pulling of vehicles resulting into better utilisation of fuel. 3. More employment generation as people will use public transport. 4. Public awareness about the rising pollution and its effect on today8217s and future generation will increase. 5. Delhi model if successful will encourage the other states to do the same. challenges 1. Inadequate public transport system before starting the scheme. 2. Rich may opt for purchasing both numbers of cars. 3. Automobile industry raised concern over such policy as it can affect their sales. 4. Only four tyre vehicles have been covered which contribute less pollution then two tyre vehicles. 5. A large list of VIP is left exempted is also act as a question mark. Way forward 1. A robust public transport system should be used 2. Technology like catalytic converter should be usedin vehicles. 3. People should act as a responsible citizen with regards to their fundamental duties. 4. Bharat 4 standardof oil should be implemented. 5. Others source of pollution like dust, fire, incineration plants etc should be checked and in case of violation they should be stringently punished. With imposition of Odd-Even Rule in Delhi, the Public are allowed to use vehicle with Odd Registration number in odd dates and use even registration number in even days. The Rule will have following advantages: 1. Reduce Pollution: Recently Delhi High Court gave judgement that living in Delhi is like living in a gas chamber which severe health implications, so a positive step to reduce air pollution 2. Traffic Reduction: the rule will reduce 50 of traffic in roads which meant less trafiic jams 3. Minimize Accidents: Less Traffic will reduce incidence of road accidents 4. Awareness Generation: It will make citizen aware about the growing environmental pollution 5. Emphasis on Renewable Sources: Citizens will inclined themselves towards cycling, battery powered vechicles 6. Demand for autocab service will generate employment 7. Role Model for other states However, the rule may create some problems like: 1. Lack of public transport coverage 2. Existing Traffic Police is insufficient to enfrce the rule 3. Can result in creation of another industry which will fleece people inname of getting right registration number 4. People who are rich can afford new car with different registration number On whole the initiative can be very effective, if the citizens understand the issue and cooperate with the government. Hence it became necessary for the government to reach out its citizens in order to garner their support Delhi governments odd-even vehicle rationing experiment made a move this year being a first initiative in India taking an example of many other developed and developing countries to mitigate pollution levels which is becoming a crying need in the contemporary world. Being the most densely populated area, citizens adhering to the restrictions becomes a huge challenge. People may find alternatives and analyze the substitutions. Creating a stronger Public transport, as many people opt for this medium as an alternative. Experiment also requires a comprehensive strategy. Designing and implementation should be in a broad manner keeping in mind both the children and retirees. Welcome the volunteers and NGOs for bringing self-awareness among the people. Foster the people in choosing Public transport by providing them required resources in a cost effective manner. Treat equally all the citizens during restriction hours in this experiment by adhering to the principle of Right to Equality. The long-term solution may exist in people itself by shifting their attitudes and aspirations. Increase the number of speed-breakers in densely populated areas such that people may not opt for that particular path there by mitigating the pollution levels. The key in understanding and maintaining an effective mitigation of pollution levels and bring a Public transport culture may also involve the policymakers and stakeholders to analyze the substitutions made by the people for their sustainability during these restrictions. Delhi the one of the highest polluted city in the world. Pollution is the one of the problem of the urbanisation in world. Due to highest number of the vehicle, urning of the residues of the harvest nearby agriculture fields, high fog which reduce the motion of the pollution from dilution are the some of the problems which contribute the highest level of pollution. To curb the problem of the pollution in delhi, delhi government has launched scheme of odd even vehicle use formula according to ehivh people on the odd date will run only odd number vehicle and even on even day. Positives of the scheme It will reduce the problem of the pollution. It will make people ready to use public transport It will reduce the congestion in delhi roads also Will help people in intake of fresh air which is in present is highly polluted. It will reduce the fuel burden on the people of city asmore people will ise pubic transport in city now. Cons of schemes It will harm the people who are employed in private transportation. It will increase congestion in metro and public transportation. Over all if we want to reduce the pollution in delhi we ourself have to think for the possible solution rather than government forcing people to take steps. In delhi government effort public should help in making success this scheme. Delhi government8217s recent odd-even formula is a tool to reduce pollution levels in Delhi. Merits: 1. Reduction in number of vehicles on roads thus reducing emission 2. Reduced congestion will also help in reducing emission from idle vehicles during traffic jams 3. Awareness among people about the seriousness of issue of pollution 4. Reduced fuel usage will help in saving of oil Limitations: 1. Lack of public transport infrastructure in Delhi questions the sustainability and efficacy of such measure 2. Security is the main reason for opting private cars instead of public transport by women. There is a great need to provide safe and secure environment in public transport for promoting it8217s usage by women. 3. Last mile connectivity. Many places in Delhi do not have sound connectivity via public transport. It forces them to use private cars for commuting. 4. Parking facilities for vehicles coming from outside Delhi is not adequate at public transport depots. It makes them to drive vehicle into Delhi instead of parking at peripheral points and using public transport. The odd even rule is nothing but cars with even numbers in the end of the number plate will run on even dates and vice versa. This Rule is effective from jan 1 in the NCR mainly intended to curb the air pollution which is going beyond the limits . It cannot be said that this odd and even vehicular rule would completely curb air pollution but would reduce it to an extent. The main Pollutant is the particulate matter which is emitted by the vehicles. since the vehicles are ground level causative agents it causes a serious threat to humans. So reducing the vehicles based on this odd and even rule would be better solution as of now. But on the other side public transport must be accessible easily i. e frequency of the buses as well as the metro trains to make this venture a successful one. Will only this ODD EVEN rule make Delhi a clean city with clean air8230. the answer is No. Once Delhi was in the same situation of very high air pollution, the public transport which was earlier fueled with diesel was fed with CNG 8211 which resulted in cleaner air. But the same city now is accumulated with particulate matter that is one of the serious concern and the reason is because of the large no of diesel cars in Delhi. The old cars not being maintained properly is also an issue which leads to more and more emissions than that of the conditioned cars. So people must take steps consciously in all ways to effectively curb pollution and save environment. Though it is a welcome move the Delhi govt odd-even rule. the govt policies must be proactive rather than reactive. We have several pro8217s and cons in the rule 1. Delhi case sets a precedence to other growing cities in combating pollution if not may have to face the same problem of 8220Gas chamber8221 what Delhi is facing today. 2. It will give a raising voice in the international community about the commitment taken by the Indians in combating the pollution. 3.Health of the people and the environment and climate maintained. 4. Encourages public transport, lesser fuel consumption if same policy followed throughout the India lesser burden on Forex reserve in-fact India will have a positive current account transaction. 5.Free from traffic jams and congestion and honking more mental peace. 6. Easy movement of vehicles, time saved trade fasts up as we all know 8220Time is Money8221 in business 1. Sends negative signal to the Automobile Industries and also other industries may be frighted about the next move i. e, policy instability on the one side we are talking about Ease of doing business and other side such bans will create chaos in investment. 2. May lead to cut down of employees. 3.Problems to local people as Delhi right now don8217t have sufficient and efficient public transport system. 4.No concessions about the senior citizens has been talked. 5.Man force requirement and fulfilling may become a problem 6. May increase the corruption cases Finally to say, first the government has to provide sufficient infrastructure like public transport to each and every corner and all also the frequency has to be increased so that it should not cause and inconvenience to the ppl. All the govt policies can be successful only with the support of the ppl i. e the people movement can only make the policy successful. hence creating awareness is the need of the hour. - A significant step that would surely address the environment concern, it has to be controlled for the well being of society. How it helps to address the issue: Odd-even formula brings the no of four wheeler vehicle running on a single day by half, surely reduce pollution, thereby better living atmosphere, and a great step in addressing the concern of global level i. e. global warming by bringing down the level of greenhouse gases as well. It promotes the culture of car sharing, car pooling, and effective use of public transport, by which addressing the traffic issues. At the same time bringing the cost of transportation to lower level. middle class family could use this money for children education, creating more money in the hand of people increase the demand of goods. good for the growth economy. boosting domestic demand. However, it8217s implementation is challenging but once it8217s done, it will be a great move and setting a role model for other states. It will be at the same time will be the leading example in the world level that we have sound and effective governance, making a better image of country at global level where countries like Mexico and China have failed. Creating more job to our demographic dividend. Enhancing employment rate means increasing the economic growth. Making aware to the society more seriously about alarming pollution and educating them to respect the environment. It has rightly taken care of the need of criticality in the case of urgency of patient if any. Exempting such case under this scheme. giving a sense of 8216welfare state8217. As environment expert rightly highlighted the view of exempting women driving a car with women co - passenger, giving a sense of not egalitarian society, gender biasness. This scheme is being diluted in it8217s true sense. merely imposing to the four wheeler is just a chunk8230 leaving another two wheeler area, which is indirectly getting promoted. As we know more two wheeler are prone to accident from report of ministry of urban transport. thereby, creating more risk of life. We lack human resource to implement this scheme8230 currently Delhi police is being assigned for this task. But who will look after the crime if Delhi police is busy here, making more room for crime. Their is a chance to increase in no of vehicles rather than going down in no8230. as we have seen such case in countries like Mexico and china. It was not much successful their. More threat to environment. Fuelling corruption. Odd - even scheme is really thoughtful but have it8217s own impact. Making a hope to bring down the no of vehicles running in Delhi. But if we promote a culture of cycling - good for fitness, car free day in between the week at least once in a week, plantation champion, ban on straw burning, standardization of fuel norms, relocating thermal power plant away from population clusters are another some ideas. The Delhi government came up with the policy of Odd-Even numbered license plates to be driven on the Odd and Even dates respectively. That means Vehicles with registration number ending with an odd number will be allowed on odd-number days and ones with even numbers will be allowed on even-number days. This policy was brought forward to control the air pollution levels and the formation of smog in Delhi due to Vehicle emission. Delhi has become a place where people are living in gas chamber. This rule is expected to bring down the cars on Delhi roads by nearly 10 lakh each day. This rule also ensures that people use more of public transport and car pooling. It also controls congestion if followed effectively. It follows a participatory approach where all citizens have to come forward and accept this initiative to combat pollution. However, this policy causes a lot of inconvenience to people who are not connected via metro amp buses. And it will increase the burden of public transport. Rich people can buy 2 cars with odd and even number plates. It would also lead to higher auto and cab fares. Delhi is regarded as the most polluted city by the World health organization after Beijing and it is important to create awareness to people about the consequences of pollution and find ways to combat it. Odd-Even policy will bring down vehicle density to an extent but it cannot be taken as the permanent solution. Connectivity to remote places should be covered by public transport. It will only be possible if the communities participate with the motive to reduce air pollution for a better future. guys i am new to this, plzzzz help me. thank you, Delhi Odd-even scheme is very innovative and progressive step to make delhi a smart and eco friendly city. 1)it will reduce the no of running four wheeleres to half in the city. Will reduce the emission caused by four wheelers to half in the city which will greatly help to reduece the pollution. 2)Thus this move will also have positive impact on the health of the delhi citizens by reducing the pollution 3)This will also cut down on the four wheeler traffic by half which give a great releif to common man on the road and thus increases mobility greatly. 4)This scheme is also targets to change the mindset of the people. This behavioural change is very important that will lead to take steps by the public voluntarily to reduce pollution in the city. Despite these advanteges this scheme has some inherent problems which are mentioned below: 1)People may buy more four wheelers with both even and odd combinations. This may defeat the whole purpose. 2)Targetting only four wheelers is not sufficient. There many other problems such as emission from power plants and stubble burnings etc. So there should be a wholistic plan. 3)Also it is not clear what is the plan after 15-jan. If the govt take steps to address the above said concerns and implement this plan wholeheartedly then this will be a game changer for not only Delhi but all other cities of india. If this even-odd number policy is permanently incorporated in Delhi and if it becomes a traffic law then the major hitting catastrophe would be that the number of cars in Delhi will possibly double in the coming years and then most people will have these even-odd numbered vehicles. People who have two odd numbered vehicles might exchange one with those who have two even numbered vehicles. Also small businesses might pop up renting odd and even numbered vehicles to those who need them on particular days. So maybe finally someday when this even-odd formula renders out useless and then gradually when the govt and police loosen their grip on even-odd laws, the number of vehicles on the roads in Delhi would have been doubled or even quadrupled. Then any study in terms of Delhi8217s environment will always accuse AAP8217s severe lack in vision of incorporating viable laws and policies, which resulted in climatic disasters of NCR. In my opinion this policy is useless and will prove a pain in the ass for the AAP voters in the coming years. Instead the govt may lock certain main roads and highways during certain hours of the day to be used only by the public transports and public carriers. Then those who wish to leave forfrom their school, office, mall, movie etc would have to leave in the time slot allotted for pvt vehicles. In other times of the day they will be forced to use public transport. So people will most certainly pre plan their travel options for that given day. This is a much viable solution and if public transports are made more comfortable, good on facilities such as free wifi, onboard music etc. and acceptably punctual then probably someday most people would either keep their cars and bikes parked inside their homes most of the time or they will opt to sell them and make use of that money for other goodies they wanted to own. One good way would be to study major traffic jam regions of New Delhi, Major shopping, office-restaurants and educational complexes, malls, narrow roads which are used by public transport and pvt vehicles both, eat streets, fashion streets etc. Then a locking-out period can be applied in the morning starting from 08:00 AM to 01:00 PM limited to only be used by public transport vehicles such as city buses, office buses, school-college buses, taxis and emergency services such as ambulance, police vehicles, fire engines etc. Another one can be applied in the evening from 04:00 PM to 09:00 PM. The licensespermits thus approved to the number of taxis, buses and rickshaws should be closely watched, so as to maintain the ratio of vehicles on the streets during locking-out and non locking-out periods. Public transport, police vehicles, emergency services, fire engines will obviously be allowed 24 hrs but pvt vehicles such as cars, bikes, vans and commercial rickshaws, trucks, vans shall only be allowed during the non locking-out periods. Those employers who have office buses can operate them during locking-out period only for transporting their employees to and from their homes. Employers who can8217t afford pvt buses but are interested in can be offered to rent out public transport buses andor taxis for mass commuting their employees during locking-out period. Similarly groups of office an college goers who were depending on their pvt vehicles can either use their office buses if available, regular public transport buses or they can hire public carriers andor taxis on monthly basis to travel during locking-out period. Minimum and maximum size of groups can be fixed depending upon the hired mode of travel such as Buses and taxis. In this manner over 13rd of the day can be made environment friendly, congestion free and the public transports will get enough time to match their timetable. Over the years people will learn to use public transport more habitually and more frequently. In my opinion the most influencing effect of this policy is that it has create a sense of responsibility within the people of not only Delhi but all over India. Earlier people used to say pollution is not their concern and took away themselves but this move involve them though forcefully. Earlier a feeling within people is that the pollution is somewhat a global phenomenon and what they do not have affection with it at all. But this move put forward a ball in peoples court and thus they have to be responsible. And thus by this fact it shade away all it backlogs82308230 The Delhi govt has come up with the odd even scheme to control pollution levels which is alarmingly high in the capital. The odd even scheme simply states the car which can be driven on a particular date the license plate ending with an even number will be allowed on even dates while on odd dates car with license plates ending with odd numbers will be allowed This is the first time it is being experimented in an Indian city. Similar experiments have already taken place in several other countries of the world and results have shown that such schemes do lead to lesser congestion and awareness about air pollution but the decrease in pollution levels which is the aim of this scheme is still not proved. This experiment will definitely help in raising awareness about the air pollution problem and it will also lead to lesser congestion on roads, but the fact that schemes like this should be backed with the proper infrastructure is inevitable. On one hand the long list of exemptions under this scheme weakens it8217s motive on the other hand the shortage of manpower makes it implementation less effective. The scheme will encourage people to opt for public transports but the paucity of the same and itself prove quite a hurdle in the implementation of the scheme as well as in controlling pollution levels. In the short run this schemes seems to have many merits even if its does not do what it intended to but in the long run changes like behavioural changes in the attitude of people as well increase in public transport is a must for tackling serious issues like air pollution. Delhi has been declared as one of the most polluted cities of the world by various surveys. In order to arrest the increasing pollution delhi govt had started an odd even formula. According to this formula odd numbered four wheelers will ply on odd days of the month and even numbered on even days of the month. Emergency services such as ambulances, police vehicles etc have been exempted from this rule. The move is an innovative step in India. In addition to arresting an increasing pollution it is also expected to address the problem of traffic jams. People can use public transport or cab pooling in order to reach their destinations in out of sync days. It will also save on their fuel charges. India which imports more than 70 of its crude oil requirements can reduce oil imports thereby reducing current account deficit. However in order to prevent the hassles to the general public on implementation of this rule certain safeguards need to be taken. An efficient public transport system needs to be developed. Police force must be adequately empowered and manned to check the implementation of rules. The formula is not a new concept and has already been successfully applied in many other countries of the world. The need is to address the shortcomings in our public transport system and implementation machinery

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